

Aesthtics & Critique VII: Beyond Reality? Virtuality and Experience

Ouvert au grand public Colloque / Congrès / Forum
14.12.2023 - 16.12.2023

Kunsthalle Friart / University of Fribourg

Fabrizia Bandi, University of Milan

Lars Bang Larsen, Art Hub Copenhagen

Arthur Cools, University of Antwerp

Anaïs Giannuzzo, University of Geneva

Aurora Hoel, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Oliver Krüger, University of Fribourg

Paula Muhr, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Andrea Pinotti, University of Milan

Zuzanna A. Rucinska, University of Antwerp

Erika Temperino, University of Pisa-Firenze

Enrico Terrone, University of Genoa

Organisation: Nicolas Brulhart, Alessandro De Cesaris, Federico Fantelli, Lilian Kroth

Info & Registration:

Image Credit: Charlotte Johannesson, Look, 1960s / 2020. Wool, Handwoven Reproduction of a Missing Artwork by Tiyoko Tomikawa. 85 X 140 Cm. Image Courtesy The Artist and Hollybush Gardens, London. Photo: Michal Brzezinsk

Quand? 14.12.2023    -    16.12.2023
Où? Kunsthalle FriArt
Petites-Rames 22, 1700 Fribourg 
Contact Département de Philosophie
Alessandro De Cesaris
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