Important information: please have a look at our Regulations, exams, tips webpage (or alternatively at our vademecum for BALET students [pdf]) for detailed information on how to navigate your way through your 1st year with us.
Study plans
Below you will find the study plans for all programmes offered by the English Department, along with official university regulations. We offer BA degrees, BASI degrees (training for high school teachers) and MA degrees.
Faculty regulations
Current study plans (as from 01.09.2015)
Bachelor Secondary I (BASI)
Current study plans (as from 01.09.2015) in French and in German
Plan d'études BA SI (50 ECTS)Studienplan BA SI (50 ECTS)Overview
Stage linguistique
Stage linguistique requirementsStage linguistique agreement sheetStage linguistique report
Current study plans (as from 01.09.2015)
MA thesis
The official submission procedure you must follow to submit your MA thesis can be found here in French and in German. Explicit and specific guidelines can be downloaded here in French and in German.