Environmental Sciences and Humanities Institute (UniFR_ESH Institute)

The UniFR_ESH Institute places a special emphasis on the ethical issues arising from environmental practice and the challenges of the just distribution of environmental burdens - both in research and teaching.


Ivo Wallimann-Helmer in Le Mag and at the Café Scientifique

Ivo Wallimann-Helmer discusses climate justice in an edition of Le Mag. The article is in preparation for the Café Scientifique at the University of Fribourg, which will take place on 12.03.2025.

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Adaptation limits as sufficiency entitlements of justice

A new publication by Ivo Wallimann-Helmer and Simon Kräuchi

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DACH Climate Ethics Network

The first DACH Climate Ethics Network meeting took place in Kiel, Germany, from 8-10 January. The aim of the annual network meeting is to promote collaboration in the field of climate ethics, particularly…

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Study Programms

The teaching in environmental sciences and humanities conveys interdisciplinary thinking – as a valuable addition to any bachelor major or as a full master program.

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Research at the institute scrutinizes environmental challenges and methods for decision-making in the fields of sustainability and climate change from an ethical perspective.

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Master Programs Environmental Sciences and Humanities

  • Environmental Sciences and Humanities (Major/Minor) 
  • Environmental Humanities and Ethics in Interdisciplinary Contexts (Major/Minor)

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Bachelor Minors in Environmental Sciences

  • Environmental Sciences (30 ECTS)
  • Environmental Law (60 ECTS)
  • Applied Environmental Management (60 ECTS)

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