Environmental Sciences and Humanities Institute (UniFR_ESH Institute)

The UniFR_ESH Institute places a special emphasis on the ethical issues arising from environmental practice and the challenges of the just distribution of environmental burdens - both in research and teaching.


Completed doctoral thesis: Hanna Schübel on the ethics of CDR

Last Friday, 15.03.2024, Hanna Schübel was the first to complete her doctorate at the Environmental Science and Humanities Institute of the University of Fribourg after successfully defending her thesis…

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Climate Lunch: Why climate protection is a complex issue

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Carbon emissions: do the ends justify the means?

They are both the problem and the solution. While emitting vast quantities of carbon, oil companies also happen to be technically in the best position to artificially extract CO2 from the atmosphere and…

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Study Programms

The teaching in environmental sciences and humanities conveys interdisciplinary thinking – as a valuable addition to any bachelor major or as a full master program.

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Research at the institute scrutinizes environmental challenges and methods for decision-making in the fields of sustainability and climate change from an ethical perspective.

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Master Environmental Sciences and Humanities

  • Master Minor (30 ECTS)
  • Master Major (120 ECTS)

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Bachelor Minors in Environmental Sciences

  • Environmental Sciences (30 ECTS)
  • Environmental Law (60 ECTS)
  • Applied Environmental Management (60 ECTS)

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Call for Papers: International Society for Environmental Ethics 21st Annual Summer Meeting

24.-16. June 2024

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