Cathryn Susan Magno
RM 02 - S-1.111
+41 26 300 7583
The UniFR_ESH Institute is steered by the institute council. It is managed under the direction of the chair in environmental humanities. The research group in environmental humanities coordinates all research on questions of sustainability at the University of Fribourg and it is responsible for the education at all levels in environmental sciences and humanities.
The institute council consists of the director of the institute (Ivo Wallimann-Helmer) as well as five professors, who represent the five faculties. The presidency of the institute is currently held by Cathryn Magno and the vice-presidency by Berno Büchel. The academic staff and the students are represented by one person each.
The institute council meets once a semester. Its tasks and competences include
RM 02 - S-1.111
+41 26 300 7583
PER 14 - 3.333.2
+41 26 300 8826
Senior Researcher
PER 23 - 1.04
+41 26 300 8822
BQC 13 - 5.409
+41 26 300 8025
PER 21 - F420
+41 26 300 8250
Department Head, Professor
MIS 05 - 5133
+41 26 300 7418