Published on 27.04.2020
Call for Papers "Justice and Food Security in a Changing Climate"
Call for Papers
The EurSafe Conference 2021 in Fribourg focuses particularly on the key concerns of ethics and justice with regard to food security and climate change. We encourage papers exploring the following areas:
- climate mitigation and food security
- geoengineering, agriculture and land
- adopting agriculture to sustain food security
- animal ethics, veterinary ethics and food security
and further topics. Find the full description of all topics here. EurSafe 2021 welcomes submissions from a broad range of disciplines, including philosophy, science and technology as well as agricultural science, law, economics, and sociology.
The topics of the Congress range from the four key themes across fundamental ethical issues and areas that relate to veterinary medicine, transparency in the food chain, professional food ethics, etc. Besides more conceptual and theoretical contributions, we also welcome papers that use case studies and studies that examine and propose guidelines on how to deal with key challenges of food security.