Published on 22.03.2021
We welcome our new collaborator Anthony Voisard!
We are happy to welcome our new collaborator Anthony Voisard from Québec, CA! Anthony is joinging our team in Fribourg as a post-doctoral reseracher to investigate on the project 'Ethics at the frontiers of climate change adaptation: the Guttannen case' (french):
As a Doctoral Student in Practical Philosophy at Université de Sherbrooke, Anthony has specialized in climate change ethics. His philosophical competencies cover philosophy of environment, continental philosophy, ethics, applied ethics, philosophical anthropology, American pragmatism, argumentation, critical thinking methodology and philosophy of science. His interdisciplinary research interests lead Anthony Voisard to explore different contemporary issues (see for example: « Philosophie pratique de milieux : à l’écoute des perspectives sur les changements climatiques », Milieu(x), 2018; (with F. Claveau), « Experts et valeurs: usages (il)légitimes? », In Experts, sciences et sociétés, PUM, 2018).
We are extremely happy to have him on our team!