Murtner Gesetzgebungsseminare

Under the aegis of the Swiss Legislation Society (, the IFF runs the Murten Seminars on Legislative Drafting:

Basic Seminar I deals with legislation methodology. The course is usually held in the early part of the year and is co-organised by the IFF’s partner, the Centre for Legislative Studies of the University of Zurich.
Basic Seminar II deals with the drafting of legislation and legal texts. The course is usually held in autumn and is co-organised by the IFF’s partners, the Federal Chancellery and the Federal Office of Justice.
The working language of both seminars is German. The University of Geneva runs similar seminars in French (Prof. Alexandre Flückiger).

The IFF also runs advanced training seminars, such as the bilingual «MGGS III» on the technical aspects of transposing the provision of EU legislation into Swiss legislation. The course is jointly organised by the IFF and the Institute for European Law, BENEFRI (universities of Berne, Neuchâtel and Fribourg), and co-run by the Federal Office of Justice and the Federal Chancellery.

For further information, please contact Mrs Lydia Sturny ( 026 300 8147).

Further Information

 Mrs Lydia Sturny, Administrative assistant