Practitioners' Course Published on 21.08.2023

End of our Practitioners' Course 2023

The 2023 edition of the Practitioners’ Course, organized by the International Research and Consulting Center of the Institute of Federalism, has come an end on Friday. The focus was on Federalism, Decentralization and Local Governance, in particular on “Effectiveness and Accountability in Local Governance”.

In an insightful second week with field trips to the Fribourg Cantonal Parliament, the Basler Verkehrs-Betriebe in Basel and the Ostermundigen fire brigade in the Canton of Bern, as well as a simulation on intergovernmental relations, the participants got to experience local and regional cooperation in practice. The course concluded on Friday with a colorful closing ceremony and a farewell dinner. 

Throughout the various lectures, group work, case studies, peer learning exercises and excursions, the 14 participants acquired numerous skills and practical know-how on federalism and local governance. They take away many memories of Switzerland and an international network of colleagues from the field. The overall evaluation of the participants was very positive, both with respect to academic content and the organisation.