Fribourg Center for Nanomaterials

When successful research is turned into useful products with more functions, which use less material to build, less energy to operate and create less waste at the end, the quality of life and health of the public will be improved.


FriMat Day 2024


 We are pleased to announce that our annual FriMat Day Conference will take place on Friday, December 6, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM in the Chemistry auditorium PER10 0.013

 The call for abstracts for both poster and oral presentations is now open.

 Please send your abstract to Maja Ivanovic ( by November 15, 2024, specifying whether an oral or a poster presentation.

 We look forward to seeing you all on December 6.

Facilities & Core Services

Available research equipment, instruments and service platforms

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A significant increase in ice melt

A new study in which a researcher from the University of Fribourg took part has just made a startling announcement. Between 2000 and 2023, Earth’s glaciers (excepting the polar ice caps) have lost around…

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Why maggots love the texture of rotting fruit

It’s a well-known nuisance: as soon as an apple or a pear develop a slightly rotten spot, small flies start buzzing around it. No surprise! Fruit flies and their larvae prefer rotting fruit. Researchers…

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Relaxation as key to recovering from depression

Psychedelic therapy has been used successfully in Switzerland for quite some time. Since 2014, a special medical program has made it possible to use LSD and psilocybin to treat therapy-resistant mental…

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