A significant increase in ice melt
A new study in which a researcher from the University of Fribourg took part has just made a startling announcement. Between 2000 and 2023, Earth’s glaciers (excepting the polar ice caps) have lost around…
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Why maggots love the texture of rotting fruit
It’s a well-known nuisance: as soon as an apple or a pear develop a slightly rotten spot, small flies start buzzing around it. No surprise! Fruit flies and their larvae prefer rotting fruit. Researchers…
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Psychedelic therapies
Relaxation as key to recovering from depression
Psychedelic therapy has been used successfully in Switzerland for quite some time. Since 2014, a special medical program has made it possible to use LSD and psilocybin to treat therapy-resistant mental…
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Exercise your balance to counter the ill effects of aging
Often with seniors, aging negatively impacts their well-being. Loss of quality sleep, impaired motor control, and cognitive disorders are frequent ailments. For the first time, a team of scientists led…
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The Environmental Sciences and Humanities Institute is pleased to announce two new Master's programmes. In the future, the Institute will also offer the programmes "M.Sc. Major Environmental Humanities…
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The winner of the 2024 Environmental Research Prize is Sopie Bucher
The prize committee congratulates Sophie Bucher on her master's thesis entitled "The Virtue Ethics of Shrub Encroachment on Cultural Landscapes. Extensive Subalpine Grasslands in the Valais, Switzerland…
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Spark of innovation
Funding for highly original research
Adolphe Merkle Institute researchers have secured two Spark grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) to explore innovative materials with potentially transformative applications.
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Une journée haute en couleurs!
Physique, chimie, botanique, mathématiques ou encore archéologie! L’Université de Fribourg s’est pliée en quatre pour la traditionnelle Journée Futur en tous genres. 114 élèves venu·e·s des quatre coins…
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Shell limits evolution of turtles
A study by the University of Fribourg suggests that the shell of turtles significantly restricts their evolutionary development, explaining their low species diversity compared to other animal groups.
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