Published on 30.09.2013

Technologies of Rule: Empire, Water, and the Modernization of Central Asia, 1867-1941

Dear all,
On Tuesday 15th October we will have a workshop on Environmental History with Maya Peterson, assistant professor of history at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
You are all invited to attend the talk that Maya Peterson will give on her current research:
10:15-12:00, Geography Unit room 226
Technologies of Rule: Empire, Water, and the Modernization of Central Asia, 1867–1941
“This project is an environmental historical approach to the history of Central Asia under Russian rule. It analyzes the ways in which first tsarist and later Bolshevik efforts to change the physical landscapes of Central Asia intersected with Russian imperial and Soviet notions of civilization, progress, and modernity. The project focuses in particular on the manipulation of water, which has always been a crucial and contested resource in Central Asia.”
Those who are interested can also attend the first part of the workshop (8:15-10:00, room 225) that will focus on methodological aspects of Environmental History and their relevance for Human Geography. Please contact me before as there are some preparatory readings to do.


Dr. Olivier Ejderyan