Light Microscopes
Reflected light microscope Olympus GX 51 equipped with a camera.
Polarised light microscope Leica DMRXP equipped with a camera and a UV lamp.
Stereo microscope Zeiss Stemi SV11 equipped with a microdrill instrument.
Polarised light microscope Zeiss Axiophot.
Cathodoluminescence Cambridge CLmk3A coupled to a Nikon microscope.
Polarised light microscope Leica – DM 4500 P equipped with a camera.
Stereo microscope Nikon – SMZ18 equipped with a camera.
Digital 3D micro-macroscope Keyence VHX-600 ESO.
Christoph Neururer
+41 26 300 89 25
Office 3.311
Chemin du Musée 6
CH–1700 Fribourg