Published on 29.04.2021

New website of Sedimentology Research Group

The Carbonate Sedimentology Research Group is mainly taking a process-based sedimentological approach jumping between the Recent and the Past to unravel the geobiosphere and environmental changes. One major mission is the thorough understanding of geobiosphere interactions, processes and the effect of Past climatic and Earth System changes on the sedimentary environment to understand, quantify and better predict environmental scenarios of Recent and Future climate change.

Our research activities are focused around the following major topics:

  1. Coral reef and carbonate mound systems through space and time
  2. Microbial-induced mineralization and dissolution in extreme marine and continental carbonate systems
  3. Early diagenesis in carbonate systems through field and experimental approaches
  4. Dynamic petrophysical behavior in carbonate systems

The Carbonate Sedimentology Research Group is studying marine and continental carbonate systems in many regions on planet Earth, from the northern European continental margins over the Mediterranean Sea to Eastern Africa. The Carbonate Sedimentology Research Group is also managing the CTImage Platform and the Experimental and Geochemical Platform at the Department of Geosciences.

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