Published on 29.04.2021

Intriguing scientific insights

The winners of the 2021 SNSF Scientific Image Competition offer a fresh look at cutting-edge research, from COVID-19 to the study of volcanoes, from churches to alpine geography. The public have also chosen their favourites among the images submitted over the last five years.

The works singled out by the jury of the 2021 SNSF Scientific Image Competition show both the variety of top-flight research being conducted in Switzerland and its aesthetic aspects, from the unsettling image of a lung ravaged by COVID-19 to a breathtaking view of a basilica, the multicoloured gut of a household pest, an abstract rendering of Alpine roots and the three-dimensional reconstruction of a gulag.

The COVID-19 epidemic may have disrupted the daily lives of researchers, but it has not diminished their interest in scientific imaging: 422 images were submitted to the competition organised by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

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