Ivo Wallimann-Helmer

Prof. Dr. phil. in Environmental Humanities, Director of the UniFR_ESH institute


 +41 26 300 8826


Studies in philosophy and German language and literature in Zurich and Berlin. 2010 PhD thesis on the ideal of equality of opportunity. 2004-2012 various positions at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Zurich in practical Philosophy. 2009-2019 lecturer for ethics, political philosophy, climate ethics, medical ethics and ethical decision-making at various universities and technical colleges. 2012-2015 post-doc at the Center for Ethics at the University of Zurich. 2010-2018 managing director of the program Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics of the University of Zurich. Since 2018 Professor for Environmental Humanities at the University of Fribourg and since 2019 the director of the UniFR_ESH Institute.

Research and publications

  • Publications
    98 publications

    Prioritizing climate adaptation limits and trade-offs , in EurSafe2024 Proceedings
    Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Kräuchi S. (2024), ISBN: 978-90-04-71550-9 | Book chapter

    Extending biomedical principlism and the ethical matrix: market farming, water scarcity and climate change , in EurSafe2024 Proceedings
    Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (2024), ISBN: 978-90-04-71550-9 | Book chapter

    Setting a Permissible Target for Carbon Dioxide Removal
    Environmental Ethics (2024) | Journal article

    The Ethics of Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies
    Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Clare Heyward, Dominic Lenzi , Schübel Hanna (Frontiers in Climate, 2024) | Book

    L'éthique sur le terrain de l'adaptation aux changements climatique
    Le Climatoscope (2024) | Journal article

    Klimawandel, Biodiversitätsverlust, Nachhaltigkeit und Suffizienzkriterien der Gerechtigkeit
    GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society (2023) | Journal article

    Just Climate Adaptation and Loss and Damage Action in an Emergency
    Le Climatoscope (2023) | Journal article

    Resilience and Nonideal Justice in Climate Loss and Damage Governance
    Global Environmental Politics (2023) | Journal article

    Towards a Practical Climate Ethics: Combining Two Approaches to Guide Ethical Decision-Making in Concrete Climate Governance Contexts
    Ethics, Policy {\&}amp$\mathsemicolon$ Environment (2023) | Journal article

    Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Strategie: Wie die saguf noch transformativer wird
    GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society (2023) | Journal article

  • Research projects

Teaching and courses

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