About Us


We build bridges between academic theology, various expressions of Christian spirituality and congregational practice, as well as societal life.

As the Center for Faith & Society, we work with particular attention to theologically relevant contributions from church communities and movements that understand themselves as renewing the Christian witness within the context of today’s world. Since the founding of the Center, we have promoted a theology that focuses on proclaiming God’s reign and explores its significance for all areas of life and society. Within this framework, we are committed to interdisciplinary and interdenominational foundational reflection, as well as to deepened research aimed at renewing both the church and society.

Faith, as a comprehensive orientation for life, thus works together with theological reflection, integrating the experiences and expectations of society with appreciation, to serve a Christianly responsible way of life in the context of today’s global community.

Strategic Orientation

Our work takes place on three levels: Research, advanced studies and public relations. At all levels, we work on four main topics (see here for more details):

 Contesting Computer Anthropologies
 Cultural Witness & Public Theology
 Church renewal & ecumenism
 Pluralism & Interreligious Dialogue

Forum Faith & Society (Study Days)

We organize the annual Forum Faith & Society (former Study Days on Theological, Cultural and Social Renewal) at the University of Fribourg, where the core concerns of the Centre are condensed. The interdenominational event attracts between 500-600 people from various church and academic backgrounds every year. Since 2020, the study days have been held in collaboration with the Taizé Community and since 2023 under the patronage of the Swiss Protestant Reformed Church (EKS) and the Swiss Bishops' Conference (SBC).



We are part of the Institute for Ecumenical Studies (ISO) of the Faculty of Theology in Fribourg and are characterized by a variety of academic and ecclesial collaborations with other institutes and institutions. You can find a list of links here.

Subscribe to our newsletter (English)

The newsletter is currently available in English and German. The following form may be used to subscribe to the english version. For the german version, click here.



Center for Faith & Society
Institute for Ecumenical Studies

University of Fribourg
Av. de l'Europe 20
CH-1700 Fribourg
Office 5221

 +41 (0)26 300 74 25