Dr. Oliver Dürr


T +41 26 300 74 25

MIS 05 - Office 5221
Av. de l'Europe 20
CH-1700 Fribourg

  • Focus of work
    • Theology of Technology.
    • Anthropology in the digital transformation (artificial intelligence, artificial life).
    • Trans- and posthumanism.
    • Ecclesiology, spirituality and faith in the secular and technological era.
    • Metaphysics in the "post-metaphysical" era: participatory metaphysics, analogia entis, and sophiology.
    • Russian philosophy of religion in the Silver Age (esp. Nikolai Fedorov, Sergiy Bulgakov, and Vladimir Soloviev).
    • Urban and cultural history of Florence.
  • Doctrine

    University of Fribourg

    HS 2021: Dogmatics. Being Church in the Ruins of the Church. Ecumenical ecclesiology in conversation with the times. Main lecture (https://www3.unifr.ch/timetable/de/vorlesungsbeschreibung.html?show=99416)

  • Short bio
    Since 2024 Director of the Center for Faith & Society, University of Fribourg
    2018-2021 Doctoral studies in systematic theology at the Chair of Dogmatics, Theology of Ecumenism of Prof. Dr. Barbara Hallensleben at the University of Fribourg. Dissertation: "Homo Novus. On the eschatological transformation of man in the age of transhumanism." (Degree: Summa Cum Laude, 6.0) Awarded the Franz Josef II of Liechtenstein Prize 2021.
    2016-2018 Studies of Theology (Master of Theology) with specialization in Dogmatics and Theology of Ecumenism at the University of Fribourg (Degree: Summa Cum Laude, 6.0)
    Since 2016 Study of history (Master of Arts in Historical Sciences) with a focus on modern history
    2015-2016 Online music studies: Producer certificate for sound design in Native Instruments' Komplete (Dubspot)
    2014-2015 Online music studies: Producer certificate for programming in Ableton Live (Dubspot)
    2013-2016 Studies in Theology (Bachelor of Theology) with a minor in History (Bachelor of Arts in Historical Sciences) at the University of Fribourg
  • Offices, memberships and networks
    • PostDoc-Fellow of the Collegium Emmaus
    • Pedagogy Fellow of the Yale Center for Faith & Culture „Pedagogy of Christ & Being Human Project“ (Yale University)
    • Member of work group Gender Aspects in Religious Studies (Universität Fribourg)
    • Research associate at the Sergiy Bulgakov Research Center
  • Publications