„Fear and Trembling: Who's Afraid of Evangelicals?“
Postevangelicals and the Future of the Christian Faith
On the Series
The church is facing an image crisis. The extremes dominate public perception. In the media, „evangelicals“ are perceived as fundamentalist, narrow and dangerous. Post-evangelicals" want to break out of this narrowness. Will they succeed? With "Fear & Trembling" we critically and self-critically explore living forms of Christian faith for today: What might a future form of Christian faith look like that enables individual believers collectively to become subjects of their faith?
Oliver Dürr writes a journal article with Theologische Literaturzeitung titled: Wer hat Angst vor Evangelikalen? Postevangelikalismus und die Zukunft des christlichen Glaubens (Who's Afraid of Evangelicals? Postevangelicalism and the Future of Christian Faith). (To appear in 2023).
Series "Fear & Trembling"
Angst kommt von Enge – Wer hat Angst vor Evangelikalen? (Furcht & Zittern 1)
The church is facing an image crisis. The extremes dominate public perception. In the media, "evangelicals" are perceived as fundamentalist, narrow and dangerous. Post-evangelicals" want to break out of this narrowness. Will they succeed? With "Fear & Trembling" we critically and self-critically explore living forms of Christian faith for today.
Sind alle Evangelikalen gleich? (Furcht & Zittern 2)
What is it anyway: evangelicalism? The answer to this question is more complex than we might think. Beyond simple stereotyping, in this episode we take a closer look and examine the phenomenon of the "evangelical movement," especially in light of its historical, spiritual, and social sources.
Dekonstruieret alles, das Gute aber behaltet! (Furcht & Zittern 3)
Is "deconstruction" the end of Christianity or an important aspect of a mature Christian faith? In this episode, we explore this question from a variety of perspectives and are confronted with surprising answers.
Einige aber zweifelten... (Furcht & Zittern 4)
Are Christian communities a place where people are accompanied in the process of searching for truth? What is Christian truth and how do we relate to it? In this episode we deal with truth claims, doubts and self-criticism.
(Um)Wege des Glaubens (Furcht & Zittern 5)
How is a faith between passion, being gripped and freedom possible? How can it be lived in the tension between individuality and community? Oliver Dürr and Nicolas Matter are in conversation with Thorsten Dietz about the evangelical movement, post-evangelical counter-movements and take a look into the future of Christian faith and Christian communities.
Hilfe im Ukraine Krieg (Furcht & Zittern Sonderfolge)
Due to the current state of war in Ukraine, there is a special episode on short notice. Oliver Dürr talks to leaders from two different organizations that provide help and support on the ground and touches on how the church can respond to such a situation with Thomas Schlag.
Zur Freiheit befreit? (Furcht & Zittern 6)
Freedom is important! But what exactly is freedom? Our time is full of interpretations that are not always compatible. This episode explores the various conceptions of freedom and outlines a (broadly defined) "Christian" concept of freedom that leads to true freedom through voluntary bonds.
Kritik & Selbstkritik ( Furcht & Zittern 7)
Together with Ralph Kunz, Oliver Dürr and Nicolas Matter look at the first block of the series "Fear & Trembling" and go into the reactions and comments on it.
Was ist der Kern des Evangelikalismus? Mit Frank Hinkelmann (Furcht & Zittern 8)
Does being evangelical in the global South mean the same as being evangelical in the German-speaking world in the middle of Europe? Oliver Dürr and Nicolas Matter search for the core of evangelicalism with Frank Hinkelmann and talk about what unites evangelicals worldwide.
Radikale Dekonstruktion & der Zeitgeist (Furcht & Zittern 9)
Who is actually more addicted to the Zeitgeist: The evangelicals or the post-evangelicals?
Sind Evangelikale wissenschaftsfeindlich? (Furcht & Zittern 10)
In the previous episodes of Fear & Trembling, one question has repeatedly popped up, especially concerning the interpretation of the Bible: What is the relationship between evangelicals and science?
Postevangelikale erzählen (Furcht & Zittern 11)
Six stories from postevangelicals about doubt, abuse and leaving the church.
Ein Hoch auf die Erfahrung! (Furcht & Zittern 12)
What happens when one does not have religious faith experiences? Are believers manipulated into spiritual experiences? Or are such experiences only simulated?
Wer gehört zur wahren Kirche? (Furcht & Zittern 13)
A value- and goal-oriented community has boundaries by definition. That's not a bad thing either, but the question arises: "How do we deal with people who don't fit into those boundaries or would draw those boundaries differently?"
This episode is about community, identity, inclusion, and exclusion within Christian communities.
Wie sieht die Zukunft der Kirche aus? (Furcht & Zittern 14)
The church is in a state of change - especially in the national church, this is obvious. But where is it heading, and where should it be heading?
Project Team: Dr. Oliver Dürr und Prof. Dr. Ralph Kunz
Universität Zürich
Lehrstuhl für Praktische Theologie
Prof. Dr. Ralph Kunz