Agenda de la Faculté


Comparison and Comparative Theology

Ouvert au grand public Conférence
05.10.2023 13:00 - 07.10.2023 12:00

Comparative theology sees itself as a comparative scholarly practice, but has only rarely dealt with the epistemology of comparative literature. This is not only an epistemological problem, but also a disciplinary one: comparative literature is a central methodical tool in religious studies and in other disciplines (literary studies, political science), and discussions of these are only present to a very limited extent in theology. The aim of the conference is therefore to raise fundamental and also new questions about comparative literature, and to stimulate interdisciplinary conversation between theology and religious studies and other disciplines in cultural studies.

Quand? 05.10.2023 13:00    -    07.10.2023 12:00
Où? A communiquer
Intervenants Voir programme
Contact Histoire comparée des religions et de dialogue interreligieux
Helmut Zander
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