

War in Ukraine: Impact and Perspectives. Roundtable and public discussion

General public Colloquium / Congress / Forum

Russia’s war against Ukraine began already in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and the de facto occupation of parts of the Donbas. Since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops on February 24, 2022, it has become a war of attrition with no end in sight. The longer it lasts, the more important it is to think about its effects. At this roundtable, historians and political
scientists will discuss the impact of the war on Ukraine, on Russia, on international relations, and on Western societies. What irreversible changes have occurred? Which scenarios are to be expected?

When? 25.10.2023 18:15 - 20:00
Where? MIS 03 Auditorium C
Avenue de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
speaker Jean Francois Fayet, Contemporary History
Nicolas Hayoz, Political Science
Antonina Skydanova, Military History Uni Charkiw
Siegfried Weichlein, Contemporary History
Jens Herlth, Slavic Studies (moderator)
Contact Department for Contemporary History / Department for European and Slavic Sutidies
Elisabeth Haas-Amanatidis