CAS Financial Decision-Making

The know-how of financial information and the understanding of finance are crucial for successful decision making in a changing business. The CAS Financial Decision-Making provides you with all financial tools for management decisions, performance measurement and risk management in a fast changing environment.

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The CAS Financial Decision-Making is designed for managers and employees working in companies of the private or public sector who want to get a solid understanding about finance and accounting.


CHF 10’800

All modules of this CAS have an integrated view and are organized around central subject areas, the development of which has been identified by employers and economic experts as the basis for a successful management. Prof. Dr. Michael Burkert, CAS scientific coordinator


University degree Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Financial Decision-Making
Faculty/University Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Fribourg
Prerequisite/Admission Bachelor or Master degree from a University or University of Applied Sciences or other diploma recognized as equivalent and three to five years’ work experience. Admission is given “sur dossier”. In justified cases, the study management can admit people who do not or only partially meet individual admission requirements.
Fees CHF 10’800
Language English
Credits 15 ECTS
Examination 1 mid-programme examination and 1 final project


The CAS Financial Decision-Making consists of the following modules and a supervised CAS thesis.

  • Basics of accounting

     Prof. Dr. Michael Burkert
     Dr. Matthias Klein

    The focus of this module is to provide participants with an introduction to accounting basics. It showcases the role of financial and managerial accounting for effective decision-making and control. It also addresses some common pitfalls when making important decisions and ways to overcome them.

    • Introduction to Financial Accounting
    • Understanding and Creating Financial Statements
    • Relevance of Financial Statements in Managerial Decision-Making
    • Managerial Accounting, CVP Analysis and Cost Assignment
    • Common Pitfalls in Cost-Based Decision-Making
    • Cost Management
  • Financial statement analysis

     Prof. Dr. Franck Missonier-Piera

    The financial diagnosis of a company relies on its financial statements. This module focuses on the use of financial statements, to analysis both:

    • The performance of the firm & its value drivers,
    • And its credit and solvency risks.

    The module also introduces the preparation of pro-forma financial statements. This provides participants the necessary tool to forecast potential financial risks (and/or opportunities) within their organisation.

  • Managerial finance

     Prof. Dr. Martin Wallmeier

    The aim of this module is to provide participants with a hands-on understanding of the principles of finance, financial valuation and value-based management. We focus on concepts and tools of modern finance that are generally applicable to investment and corporate finance decisions. Topics include:

    • Risk and return
    • Cost of capital
    • Discounted Cash Flow & Economic Value Added
    • The Value of Flexibility
    • Protecting Value Creation: Hedging Exchange Rate Risk
  • Monte Carlo simulations for enhanced financial decision-making

     Prof. Dr. Michael Burkert

    This course introduces participants to a powerful tool that enables decision-makers to address uncertainty and risk explicitly when making financial decisions. The approach overcomes the weaknesses of traditional scenario analyses and is directly applicable to participants after completing this module. Participants learn how to make enhanced decisions that positively impact EBIT and how to identify hidden financial risks.

  • Management control systems

     Prof. Dr. Martin Messner 

    The aim of this course is to provide participants with a hands-on understanding of the design and use of common management control systems. This includes discussion of the planning and budgeting process, financial and non-financial performance measurement, and questions of target setting and performance evaluation. Participants learn about the usefulness of management control systems, but also about potential challenges and pitfalls.

    • Planning, budgeting, and variance analysis
    • Financial performance and value creation
    • Performance measurement systems
    • Target setting and relative performance evaluation
  • Fin tech & risk management

     Prof. Dr. Florian Weigert

    This course introduces you to Risk Management & FinTech, the emerging world of applications, concepts and developments at the interface of Finance and Technology. Participants will learn important aspects of risk management in a digitalized world, the application of artificial intelligence in finance, and the nature and use of digital assets. The course emphasizes a personal learning experience and is based on case discussions and lectures.

    • Risk Management Techniques for Market and Credit Risk
    • Corporate Risk Management in a Digitalized Bank
    • Artificial Intelligence in Finance
    • Digital Assets
    • Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Learn from Industry Experts and Certified Academic Teachers

Prof. Dr. Michael Burkert

CAS scientific coordinator
University of Fribourg


Prof. Dr. Franck Missonier-Piera 

University of Fribourg 


Prof. Dr. Florian Weigert

University of Neuchâtel


Prof. Dr. Martin Wallmeier

University of Fribourg

Prof. Dr. Martin Messner

University of Innsbruck


Dr. Matthias Klein

Die Mobiliar / La Mobilière
