A dataset on the physiological state and behavior of drivers in conditionally automated driving
Meteier, Q. and Capallera, M. and de Salis, E. and Angelini, L. and Carrino, S. and Widmer, M. and Abou Khaled, O. and Mugellini, E. and Sonderegger, A., Data in Brief (2023) | Artikel
A Contextual Multimodal System for Increasing Situation Awareness and Takeover Quality in Conditionally Automated Driving
Capallera, M. and Meteier, Q. and De Salis, E. and Widmer, M. and Angelini, L. and Carrino, S. and Sonderegger, A. and Khaled, O.A. and Mugellini, E., IEEE Access (2023) | Artikel
Improving Sales Forecasting by Combining Key Account Managers’ Inputs and Models Such as SARIMA, LSTM, and Facebook Prophet
Agneta Ramosaj, Nicolas Ramosaj, Marino Widmer, Journal of Applied Business and Economics (2022) | Artikel
Carrying a passenger and relaxation before driving: Classification of young drivers’ physiological activation
Meteier, Q. and Capallera, M. and De Salis, E. and Widmer, M. and Angelini, L. and Abou Khaled, O. and Mugellini, E. and Sonderegger, A., Physiological Reports (2022) | Artikel
Clustering of Drivers’ State Before Takeover Situations Based on Physiological Features Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
de Salis, E. and Meteier, Q. and Pelletier, C. and Capallera, M. and Angelini, L. and Sonderegger, A. and Khaled, O.A. and Mugellini, E. and Widmer, M. and Carrino, S. (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022)
| Buch
Relevant Physiological Indicators for Assessing Workload in Conditionally Automated Driving, Through Three-Class Classification and Regression
Meteier, Q. and De Salis, E. and Capallera, M. and Widmer, M. and Angelini, L. and Abou Khaled, O. and Sonderegger, A. and Mugellini, E., Frontiers in Computer Science (2022) | Artikel
Machine learning agent to recommend the best modality for takeover during conditionally automated driving
de Salis E., Meteier Q., Capallera M., Pelletier C., Angelini L., Abou Khaled O., Mugellini E., Widmer M., Carrino S.,
AHFE International, Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications (2022):
(2022) | Konferenz
Predicting Takeover Quality in Conditionally Autonomous Vehicles based on Takeover Request Modalities, Driver Physiological State and the Environment
de Salis E., Meteier Q., Capallera M., Pelletier C., Angelini L., Abou Khaled O., Mugellini E., Widmer M., Carrino S.,
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2022) Integrating People and Intelligent Systems, Venice, Italy (2022):
(2022) | Konferenz
Classification of Drivers' Workload Using Physiological Signals in Conditional Automation
Meteier, Q. and Capallera, M. and Ruffieux, S. and Angelini, L. and Abou Khaled, O. and Mugellini, E. and Widmer, M. and Sonderegger, A., Frontiers in Psychology (2021) | Artikel
Predicting Takeover Quality in Conditionally Automated Vehicles Using Machine Learning and Genetic Algorithms
de Salis E., Meteier Q., Capallera M., Angelini L., Sonderegger A., Abou Khaled O., Mugellini E., Widmer M., Carrino S.,
In: D. Russo, T. Ahram, W. Karwowski, G. Di Bucchianico, R. Taiar, (eds) Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2021. IHSI 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1322 (2021):
(2021) | Konferenz
How stagger charts can improve forecast accuracy
Agneta Ramosaj, Marino Widmer, Foresight – The International Journal of Applied Forecasting , no 58 (2020), pp 36-41 (2020) | Artikel
Designing an AI-Companion to Support the Driver in Highly Autonomous Cars
de Salis, E. and Capallera, M. and Meteier, Q. and Angelini, L. and Abou Khaled, O. and Mugellini, E. and Widmer, M. and Carrino, S. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2020)
| Buch
L’élaboration d’un cahier des charges comme outil de gestion lors de la fusion de corps de sapeurs-pompiers en Suisse
Francesca Venteicher, Marino Widmer, Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme & Entreprise (RIMHE), no 34 (2019), pp 76 – 87 (2019) | Artikel
A Challenge for an Efficient Supply Chain Management – Integration versus Optimality (keynote lecture)
Marino Widmer,
4th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2015), Lisbon (Portugal),10-12 January
(10.1.2015) | Konferenz
Metaheuristics for a scheduling problem with rejection and tardiness penalties
Thevenin, S. and Zufferey, N. and Widmer, M., Journal of Scheduling (2015) | Artikel
Stochastic optimization of the scheduling of a radiotherapy center
Legrain, A. and Fortin, M.-A. and Lahrichi, N. and Rousseau, L.-M. and Widmer, M.,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series:
(2015) | Konferenz
B?azewicz, J. and Hertz, A. and Picouleau, C. and Widmer, M., Discrete Applied Mathematics (2015) | Artikel
Eighth International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization (GO VIII)
Widmer M., Blazewicz J., Hertz A., Picouleau C. (Special Issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 182 (2015), 2015)
| Sammelband
Integer linear programming models for a cement delivery problem
Hertz, A. and Uldry, M. and Widmer, M., European Journal of Operational Research (2012) | Artikel
Tabu search for a single machine scheduling problem with discretely contrôlable release dates
Thevenin, S., Zufferey N., Widmer M.,
Electronic Proceedings of the “9th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization & SIMulation (MOSIM 2012)“, Bordeaux, France (2012):
(2012) | Konferenz
Problemi complessi : come trovare una soluzione soddisfacente ?
Marino Widmer,
Informatica nel futuro, sfide e prospettive – evento scientifico per i 40 anni di ated, Manno (Suisse)
(7.10.2011) | Konferenz
Integer Linear Programming Models for a Cement Delivery Problem
Marino Widmer,
The 19th Triennal Conference IFORS 2011, Melbourne (Australia), 10-15 July.
(14.7.2011) | Konferenz
Multi-stage, multi-criteria framework supporting supplier selection and outsourcing decisions of core product to collaborative supplier
Fink M., Belton V., Widmer M.,
Electronic Proceedings of the “International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2011)“, Metz, France (2011):
(2011) | Konferenz
Two objective functions for a real life Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem
Uldry M., Widmer M., Hertz A.,
Electronic Proceedings of the “International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2011)“, Metz, France (2011):
(2011) | Konferenz
Back to the future : former research as seed for future research
Marino Widmer,
Seventh International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization (GO VII), Ovronnaz (Switzerland), 13-17 June
(14.6.2010) | Konferenz
Development of the metaheuristics during the last decade
Marino Widmer,
EU/Meeting 2010, Lorient (France), 3-4 June
(3.6.2010) | Konferenz
A flexible MILP model for multiple-shift workforce planning under annualized hours
Hertz, A. and Lahrichi, N. and Widmer, M., European Journal of Operational Research (2010) | Artikel
Metaheuristics and Scheduling
, in Production Scheduling
Widmer, M. and Hertz, A. and Costa, D. (2010)
| Buchkapitel
Feature issue in management and control of production systems
Aghezzaf, E.-H. and Widmer, M., European Journal of Operational Research (2009) | Artikel
Gambardella, L.M. and Hertz, A. and Maffray, F. and Widmer, M., Discrete Applied Mathematics (2009) | Artikel
Sixth International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization (GO VI)
Gambardella L.M., Hertz A., Maffray F., Widmer M. (Special Issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 157, no 17 (2009), 2009)
| Sammelband
de Werra, D. and Boros, E. and Carlier, J. and Hertz, A. and Widmer, M., Discrete Applied Mathematics (2008) | Artikel
Feature cluster on papers presented at the FRANCORO IV conference
Taillard, E. and Widmer, M., European Journal of Operational Research (2008) | Artikel
Fifth International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization (GO V)
de Werra D., Boros E., Carlier J., Hertz A., Widmer M. (Special Issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 156, no 13 (2008), 2008)
| Sammelband
Supply Chain Management: une nouvelle approche incontournable pour la gestion d’entreprise?
Marino Widmer,
Association Suisse pour l'Approvisionnement et l'Achat (ASAA) section fribourgeoise, Givisiez (Suisse)
(27.3.2007) | Konferenz
Approches heuristiques pour gérer la flexibilité des horaires de travail
Marino Widmer,
Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherche en Analyse des Décisions (GERAD) Canada, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal
(13.6.2006) | Konferenz
Aide à la décision par l'analyse sémantique des interactions dans l'organicube, modèle d'entreprise
Yvan Kowalski, Marino Widmer, Revue des Sciences de Gestion, no 220-221, pp 49-60 (2006) | Artikel
Répartition du travail quotidien pour du personnel embauché à plein temps et à temps partiel
Marino Widmer,
Quatrièmes journées francophones de recherche opérationnelle (FRANCORO IV), Fribourg (Suisse), 18-21 août
(1.8.2004) | Konferenz
Erratum: Corrigendum to the feature issue on Meta-heuristics in Combinatorial Optimization (European Journal of Operational Research 151:2 PII: S0377221702008238)
Gambardella, L. and Hertz, A. and Laguna, M. and Windmer, M., European Journal of Operational Research (2004) | Artikel
A case study of single shift planning and scheduling under annualized hours: A simple three-step approach
Azmat, C.S. and Widmer, M., European Journal of Operational Research (2004) | Artikel
Mixed integer programming to schedule a single-shift workforce under annualized hours
Azmat, C.S. and Hürlimann, T. and Widmer, M., Annals of Operations Research (2004) | Artikel
Fourth International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization (GO IV)
Gendreau M., Hertz A., Semet F., Widmer M. (Special Issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 145, no 1 (2004), 2004)
| Sammelband
L'organicube, modèle général d'audit pour les entreprises
Yvan Kowalski, Marino Widmer, Revue des Sciences de Gestion, no 210, pp 43-59. (2004) | Artikel
EURO Winter Institute ESWI XVIII : Metaheuristics in Combinatorial Optimization
Luca Maria Gambardella, Alain Hertz, Manuel Laguna, Marino Widmer, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 151, no 2 (2003) (2003) | Artikel
Layout modeling and construction procedure for the arrangement of exhibition spaces in a fair
Schneuwly, P. and Widmer, M., International Transactions in Operational Research (2003) | Artikel
Guidelines for the use of meta-heuristics in combinatorial optimization
Hertz, A. and Widmer, M., European Journal of Operational Research (2003) | Artikel
A model for annualized work time
Carlos Azmat, Marino Widmer, (2003) | Working Paper
Layout modelling and construction procedure for a fair
Marino Widmer,
16th Triennal Conference IFORS 02, Edinburgh (Scotland), 6-12 July
(6.7.2002) | Konferenz
Designing a timetable under strict legal constaints
Marino Widmer,
Scheduling in Computer and Manufacturing Systems, Dagstuhl (Germany), 2-6 June
(2.6.2002) | Konferenz
Fair layout design
Schneuwly, P. and Widmer, M., International Journal of Modelling and Simulation (2002) | Artikel
A three-phase algorithm for solving layout problems with space constraints
Marino Widmer,
Congress EURO 2001, Rotterdam (The Netherlands), 9-11 July
(9.7.2001) | Konferenz
Les métaheuristiques : des outils performants pour les problèmes industriels
Marino Widmer,
Troisième conférence francophone de MOdélisation et SIMulation (MOSIM'01), Troyes (France), 25-27 avril
(25.4.2001) | Konferenz
Aménagement d'ateliers : à la recherche d'un optimum
Marino Widmer,
ESSEC, Département de Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, Cergy-Pontoise (France)
(1.3.2001) | Konferenz
Projets de recherche : lignes générales et exemples concrets
Marino Widmer,
ESSEC, Département de Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, Cergy-Pontoise (France)
(1.2.2001) | Konferenz
A three-phase algorithm for solving layout problems with space constraints
Schneuwly P., Hürlimann T., Widmer M., (2001) | Working Paper
Les Métaheuristiques
, in in : P. Lopez et F. Roubellat (Eds), Ordonnancement de la production, Hermès (2001), pp 55 - 93
Widmer M., Hertz A., Costa D. (2001)
| Buchkapitel
Les métaheuristiques: des outils performants pour les problèmes industriels
Marino Widmer,
in: Actes de la Troisième conférence francophone de MOdélisation et SIMulation (MOSIM'01), Troyes, France, pp 13-21:
(2001) | Konferenz
Satisfaire les exposants et les visiteurs lors d'une foire d'exposition: mission impossible?
Patrick Schneuwly, Marino Widmer,
in: Actes de la Troisième conférence francophone de MOdélisation et SIMulation (MOSIM'01), Troyes, France, pp 501-508:
(2001) | Konferenz
Continuous timetable : what is the real cost?
Marino Widmer,
Congress EURO XVII, Budapest (Hungary), 16-19 July
(16.7.2000) | Konferenz
Optimisation des collectes d'ordures ménagères
Marino Widmer,
Assemblée générale du Relais Technologique Fribourg, Fribourg (Suisse)
(1.5.2000) | Konferenz
Using layout techniques in order to solve timetabling problems
Marino Widmer, (2000) | Working Paper
Importance of human resources in scheduling problems
Marino Widmer,
Seminar "Scheduling in Computer and Manufacturing Systems", Dagstuhl (Germany), 24-29 October
(24.10.1999) | Konferenz
Informatisation des processus de travail : importance et conséquences
Marino Widmer,
Séminaire d'été de l'Ecole Supérieure d'Enseignement Infirmier, Lausanne (Suisse)
(1.9.1999) | Konferenz
Using layout techniques in order to solve timetabling problems
Marino Widmer,
15th Triennal Conference IFORS 99, Beijing (China), 16-20 August
(16.8.1999) | Konferenz
Third International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization (GO III)
Carlier J., Hertz A., Maffray F., Widmer M. (Special Issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 94, no 1 - 3 (1999), 1999)
| Sammelband
Organisation industrielle : l'apport des mathématiques
Marino Widmer, Ingénieurs et Architectes Suisses, no 22, pp 395-397 (1999) | Artikel
Les problèmes d'affectation dans le domaine organisationnel
Marino Widmer,
Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Sociales, Université de Fribourg, Fribourg (Suisse)
(1.12.1998) | Konferenz
Organisation industrielle : des solutions efficaces? Démarche d'analyse et exemples concrets
Marino Widmer,
Fédération des Associations Patronales et Economiques, Broc (Suisse)
(1.11.1998) | Konferenz
Scheduling in a rhythmed flow shop : new developments
Marino Widmer,
Congress EURO XVI, Brussels (Belgium), 12-15 July
(12.7.1998) | Konferenz
Les nouveaux modèles de planification du travail
Marino Widmer,
Groupement Industriel du Canton de Fribourg, Fribourg (Suisse)
(1.12.1997) | Konferenz
Scheduling : from academic problems to industrial practice
Marino Widmer,
Plenary session, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management (IEPM'97), Lyon (France), 20-24 October
(2.10.1997) | Konferenz
Rhythmed flow shop : how to balance the daily workload
Marino Widmer,
IFAC/IFIP Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics (MCPL'97), Campinas (Brazil), 31 August - 3 September
(31.8.1997) | Konferenz
Flexible Timetabling : a solution against the irregularity of the demand?
Marino Widmer,
Congress EURO XV, Barcelona (Spain), 14-17 July
(14.7.1997) | Konferenz
Rhythmed flow shop : how to balance the daily workload
Widmer M., Bugnon B., Varone S., Hertz A.,
Proceedings of the "IFAC/IFIP Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics (MCPL'97)", Campinas, Brazil (1997), pp 287 - 290:
(1997) | Konferenz
Second International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization (GO II)
Blazewicz J., Carlier J., Hertz A., Widmer M. (Special Issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 76, no 1 - 3 (1997), 1997)
| Sammelband
Scheduling: from academic problems to industrial practice
Marino Widmer, (1997) | Working Paper
An improved tabu search approach for solving the job shop scheduling problem with tooling constraints
Hertz, A. and Widmer, M., Discrete Applied Mathematics (1996) | Artikel
First International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization (GO I)
Hertz A., Queyranne M., Widmer M. (Special Issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 65, no 1 - 3 (1996), 1996)
| Sammelband
Dreams and nightmares during the redesign of an enterprise's layout
Marino Widmer,
The 14th Triennal Conference IFORS 1996, Vancouver (Canada), July 1996
(1996) | Konferenz
FUN: A dynamic method for scheduling problems
Bugnon, B. and Stoffel, K. and Widmer, M., European Journal of Operational Research (1995) | Artikel
Operational Research models and methods in CIM
Marino Widmer, in : H.H. Adelsberger, J. Lazansky and V. Marik (Eds), Information Management in Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No.973 (1995), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp 179 - 194 (1995) | Artikel
Shop floor control : an integrated approach
Widmer M., Bugnon B.,
Proceedings of the "Third European Control Conference ECC95", Roma, Italy, vol. 4 (1995), pp 3538 - 3542:
(1995) | Konferenz
La méthode TABOU appliquée aux problèmes d'ordonnancement
Hertz A., Widmer M., RAIRO / Automatique, Productique, Informatique Industrielle, vol. 29, no 4 - 5 (1995), pp 353 - 378 (1995) | Artikel
Modèles et méthodes de RO appliquées à la productique
Marino Widmer,
FRANCORO : rencontres francophones de recherche opérationnelle, Mons (Belgique), juin 1995
(1995) | Konferenz
Re-design of an enterprise's layout : an application
Marino Widmer,
Congress EURO XIV, Jerusalem (Israel), July 1995
(1995) | Konferenz
Shop floor control : an integrated approach
Marino Widmer,
Third European Control Conference ECC95, Roma (Italy), September 1995
(1995) | Konferenz
Simulation helps to avoid industrial disasters : three case studies
Marino Widmer,
Optimization Days 1994, Montréal (Canada), May 1994
(1994) | Konferenz
La méthode TABOU appliquée aux problèmes d'ordonnancement
Marino Widmer,
Journées d'Etude "Ordonnancement et entreprise : applications concrètes et outils pour le futur", Toulouse (France), juin 1994
(1994) | Konferenz
A two step approach DSS for scheduling problems
Marino Widmer,
Congress EURO XIII / OR 36, Glasgow (Scotland), July 1994
(1994) | Konferenz
Démarche pour un suivi de projet : application à une fabrication typiquement suisse
Marino Widmer,
Université Blaise Pascal, Clermond-Ferrand (France), octobre 1994
(1994) | Konferenz
OR methods in computer integrated manufacturing
Widmer, Marino,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics:
(1993) | Konferenz
Simulation d'atelier : évitons les catastrophes financières
Marino Widmer,
Séminaire CPCF : Utilisation de la simulation dans le cadre industriel, Fribourg (Suisse), janvier 1993
(1993) | Konferenz
Le dimensionnement d'ateliers
Marino Widmer,
Université Blaise Pascal, Clermond-Ferrand (France), février 1993
(1993) | Konferenz
A new approach for solving the job shop scheduling problem with tooling constraints
Marino Widmer,
The 13th Triennal Conference IFORS 1993, Lisbon (Portugal), July 1993
(1993) | Konferenz
OR methods in Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Marino Widmer,
Congress "1993, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics", Le Touquet (France), October 1993
(1993) | Konferenz
MRP, JIT, OPT : une rapide comparaison
Marino Widmer,
Séminaire EPI : La productique : CAO, GPAO, CIM, Lausanne (Suisse), février 1992
(1992) | Konferenz
Application des méthodes de recherche opérationnelle pour une gestion efficace
Marino Widmer,
Conférence de printemps en Mathématiques de l'Institut Pédagogique du Jura, Porrentruy (Suisse), avril 1992
(1992) | Konferenz
How to integrate OR methods in a CIM architecture
Marino Widmer,
Congress EURO XII, Helsinki (Finland), June 1992
(1992) | Konferenz
Vers une harmonisation des flux de production
Marino Widmer,
Séminaire CPCF : Sensibilisation CIM dans le domaine de la gestion de production, Fribourg (Suisse), septembre 1992
(1992) | Konferenz
Loading problems with tool management in flexible manufacturing systems: A few integer programming models
de Werra, D. and Widmer, M., International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (1991) | Artikel
Job shop scheduling with tooling constraints: A tabu search approach
Widmer, M., Journal of the Operational Research Society (1991) | Artikel
Dynamic Scheduling and Tool Loading
Mottet Y., Widmer M.,
in : V.C. Venkatesh and J.A. McGeough (Eds.), Proceedings of the "7th International Conference on Computer-Aided Production Engineering", Cookeville, USA (1991), Elsevier, pp 325 - 332.:
(1991) | Konferenz
Gestion de production intégrée : quelques éléments de réponse
Marino Widmer,
Institut pour l'Automation et la Recherche Opérationnelle de l'Université de Fribourg (Suisse), février 1991
(1991) | Konferenz
Tool management in flexible manufacturing systems : A few integer programming models
Marino Widmer,
Optimization Days 1991, Montréal (Canada), May 1991
(1991) | Konferenz
Les mathématiques dans l'industrie : plus qu'une théorie, une réelle pratique !
Marino Widmer,
Cycle de conférences dans le cadre du 400e anniversaire du Lycée Cantonal de Porrentruy (Suisse), mai 1991
(1991) | Konferenz
Les éléments incontournables de la gestion de production intégrée
Marino Widmer,
Séminaire CIM, EPFL, Lausanne (Suisse), mai 1991
(1991) | Konferenz
Un modèle tenant compte des changements de montage lors de la phase de conception d'un atelier flexible
Marino Widmer,
Rencontres Franco-Suisse de Recherche Opérationnelle, Paris (France), septembre 1991
(1991) | Konferenz
Les éléments incontournables de la gestion de production intégrée
Marino Widmer,
Séminaire de gestion de production (MTI), Lausanne (Suisse), octobre 1991
(1991) | Konferenz
Modèles mathématiques pour une gestion efficace des ateliers flexibles
Marino Widmer (Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 1991)
| Buch
Do not forget the breakdowns and the maintenance operations in fms design problems
Widmer, M. and Solot, P., International Journal of Production Research (1990) | Artikel
Ordonnancement dans un atelier flexible en tenant compte de la gestion d'outils : une approche par la méthode TABOU
Marino Widmer,
Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université de Fribourg (Suisse), février 1990
(1990) | Konferenz
Job shop scheduling with tooling constraints : a TABU search approach
Marino Widmer,
Seminar Viewpoints on Optimization, Grimentz (Switzerland), September 1990
(1990) | Konferenz
Modèles mathématiques pour une gestion efficace des ateliers flexibles
Marino Widmer,
Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherche en Analyse des Décisions (GERAD), Montréal (Canada), septembre 1990
(1990) | Konferenz
Modèles mathématiques pour une gestion efficace des ateliers flexibles
Marino Widmer,
Assemblée Générale de la Société Mathématique Suisse, Genève (Suisse), octobre 1990
(1990) | Konferenz
Une structure hiérarchico-cyclique pour la gestion d'un atelier flexible
Marino Widmer,
Séminaire ARTEMIS-GSIP : Méthodes quantitatives en décision et production, IMAG, Grenoble, novembre 1990
(1990) | Konferenz
A new heuristic method for the flow shop sequencing problem
Widmer, M. and Hertz, A., European Journal of Operational Research (1989) | Artikel
Modélisation des perturbations dans les ateliers flexibles
Marino Widmer,
Atelier de printemps de R.O., Grimentz (Suisse), mars 1989
(1989) | Konferenz
Développement d'une algorithmique orientée vers la gestion de production
Marino Widmer,
Séance de clôture du projet Commande Numérique des Machines, EPFL, Lausanne (Suisse), juin 1989
(1989) | Konferenz
Job shop scheduling with tooling constraints : a TABU search approach
Marino Widmer,
Seminar A new trend in O.R. : TABU search, Brussels (Belgium), October 1989
(1989) | Konferenz
TABU search for large scale timetabling problems
Marino Widmer, Alain Hertz,
Seminar A new trend in O.R. : TABU search, Brussels (Belgium), October 1989
(1989) | Konferenz
Job shop scheduling with tooling constraints : a TABU search approach
Marino Widmer,
Assemblée générale de l'A.S.R.O., Berne (Suisse), novembre 1989
(1989) | Konferenz
Introduction à la recherche opérationnelle
Marino Widmer,
Lycée cantonal de Porrentruy (Suisse), janvier 1988
(1988) | Konferenz
A new heuristic for the flow shop sequencing problem
Marino Widmer,
European Doctoral Program in Quantitative Methods in Management, Brussels (Belgium), April 1988
(1988) | Konferenz
Vers une production automatisée : les outils du chargement
Journée CAST-Jura, Delémont (Suisse), avril 1988
(1988) | Konferenz
A new heuristic method for the flow shop sequencing problem
Workshop EURO : Production planning and scheduling, Paris (France), July 1988
(1988) | Konferenz
Do not forget the breakdowns and the maintenance operations in FMS design problems !
Congress EURO IX, Paris (France), July 1988
(1988) | Konferenz
Do not forget the breakdowns and the maintenance operations in FMS design problems !
Marino Widmer,
Workshop on Production Management, Pècs (Hungary), September 1988
(1988) | Konferenz
Modèles de gestion d'ateliers flexibles
Marino Widmer,
Congrès Energy 88 : Energie et Informatique, Barcelone (Espagne), novembre 1988
(1988) | Konferenz
Evaluation des performances d'un atelier flexible en tenant compte des pannes et des maintenances
Marino Widmer, RAIRO / Recherche Opérationnelle, vol 21, no 2 (1987), pp 137 - 151 (1987) | Artikel
Simuler pour industrialiser, gérer pour produire
Marino Widmer,
Rencontre EPFL-Economie : De la commande numérique à l'intégration de la production, EPFL, Lausanne (Suisse), mai 1987
(1987) | Konferenz
FMS performances with perturbations
Marino Widmer,
4th EURO Summer Institute : Systems Science, Turku (Finland), June 1987
(1987) | Konferenz
A new approach for solving the flow shop sequencing problem
Marino Widmer,
Congress Pseudo-Boolean Optimization and Related Areas, Chexbres (Switzerland), September 1987
(1987) | Konferenz