3rd International Workshop Modeling in the Age of Large Language Models  (LLM4Modeling) at ER'2025

Organizers: Hans-Georg Fill (University of Fribourg), Peter Fettke (DFKI and Saarland University ), Julius Köpke (University of Klagenfurt)

Date: October 20-23, 2025

Location: Collocated with the 44th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'2025) in Poitiers / Futuroscope, France

Workshop Description:

Large language models (LLM) have received enormous attention in practice and science during the last years. LLMs have the potential to create, analyze, and execute conceptual models in various formats and with varying reliability. This leads to several open questions such as: How will the discipline of conceptual modeling deal with LLMs in the future? Which influence will LLM have on modeling? How will the tasks of modeling change? Will modeling lose its importance? Or, the other way around, will modeling increase in importance in the future?

The workshop aims at illuminating potentials and challenges of LLM in modeling. The following topics are addressed by the workshop (list is not exhaustive):

  • What are the potentials of LLM for modeling?
  • How are modeling results evaluated with LLM?
  • How can conceptual modeling and LLM-based agents be integrated?
  • How are LLM embedded in well-known tools?
  • How can LLM be used in teaching for modeling?
  • What new modeling tasks are emerging? How do modeling tasks change?

Registration: via ER Registration website

Deadline for Submissions: 27 June 2025

Notification: 28 July 2025

Camera-ready versions: 12 August 2025

Submissions via EasyChair

Submit papers via EasyChair for ER 2025 to the “LLM4Modeling Workshop Papers” Track.

Since the proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series, authors must submit manuscripts using the LNCS style or Overleaf. The page limit is 16 pages (excluding one page references). Papers will be judged on contribution, literature basis, novelty, clarity, relevance, and rigor. The review process is double-blind. Submissions must be anonymized

Special Issue in EMISAJ

It is planned to organize a special issue after the workshop in the Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISAJ) – International Journal of Conceptual Modeling. Papers accepted for the workshop may receive the option for a fast-track review process.


Program Committee (tentative):

Dominik Bork, TU Vienna, Austria
Robert Buchmann, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania
Shimizu Cogan, Wright State University, USA
Patrick Delfmann, University of Koblenz, Germany
Chiara Di Francescomarino, University of Trento, Italy
Felix Härer, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Manfred Jeusfeld, University of Skövde, Sweden
Florian Johannsen, University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden, Germany
Agnes Koschmider, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Henrik Leopold, Kühne Logistics University, Germany
Oscar Pastor, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Dimitris Plexousakis, ICS Forth - University of Crete, Greece
Erik Proper, TU Vienna, Austria
Kurt Sandkuhl, University of Rostock, Germany
Maribel Y. Santos, University of Minho, Portugal
Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Reinhard Schütte, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
Wilfrid Utz, OMiLAB NPO, Germany
Maxim Vidgof, WU Vienna, Austria
Sandra Zilker, TH Nuremberg, Germany