Denis Lalanne


Denis Lalanne is director of the Human-IST institute and full professor in the Department of Informatics of the University of Fribourg. He is heading the "human-building interaction" group in the smart living lab and Swiss representative at the IFIP TC13. After completing a PhD at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) on computer supported creativity, a postDoc in the USER group in IBM Almaden research center, one year of teaching and research in the University of Avignon, and an experience as usability engineer in a swiss start-up, he joined the University of Fribourg in 2002 to work on the SNF NCCR IM2 as a senior researcher first and became professor in 2015 on the topic of Human-Machine Interaction. He founded the Human-IST in 2017 and developed it since then. He is broadly interested by different aspects of the domain of Human-Computer Interaction, with a focus on multimodal interaction and visual analytics. More recently his research are centered around the topic of Human-Building Interaction to understand and improve the comfort of buildings' occupants and on the topic of Human-AI Interaction to improve/evaluate the teaming or to support accessibility/rehabilitation.

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