Bachelor Courses Offered in Information Systems
The curriculum for the Bachelor of Arts in Information Systems consists of required courses, elective courses and independent work. The curriculum is bilingual (German and French). Many courses, particularly in the areas of business administration and economics, are offered in both German and French, and students can choose the language of instruction. Courses offered by the Department of Informatics are usually given in only one language, but the exams for these courses can be taken in both German and French, independent of the language of instruction of the course.
An overview of the curriculum is provided below. A detailed version, including information about the faculty and class schedules can be found directly on the student portal of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences website.
Further information
First Year
In the first year, students must take 11 mandatory courses, worth a total of 60 ECTS credits
1st semester (Autumn)
- Introduction à la programmation (6 ECTS, langue : FR)
- Informatique de gestion I / Wirtschaftsinformatik I (6 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Introduction à la gestion d’entreprise / Einführung in die BWL (6 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Introduction à la comptabilité / Unternehmensrechnung (6 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Introduction à la statistique I / Einführung in die Statistik I (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Mathématiques I / Mathematik I (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
2nd semester (Spring)
- Programmations Orientée Objets (6 ECTS, langue : FR)
- Informatique de gestion II / Wirtschaftsinformatik II ;(6 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Organisation / Organisation (6 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Introduction à la statistique II ;/ Einführung in die Statistik II (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Mathématiques II / Mathematik II (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
Second Year
In the second year, students must take 11 mandatory courses, worth a total of 60 ECTS credits.
3rd semester (Autumn)
- Algorithms (6 ECTS, langue : E)
- Databases (6 ECTS, langue : E)
- MAN01F :Investissement et financement / MAN01D : Investitions- und Finanzierungstheorie (6 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- MAN02F : Marketing / MAN02D: Marketing (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Droit I / Recht I (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Microéconomie I / Mikroökonomie I (6 ECTS, langue FR & DE)
4th semester (Spring)
- Génie logiciel : méthodes orientées objets (6 ECTS, langue: FR)
- Operations Management / Operations Management (6 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Information Systems Modeling (6 ECTS, langue : E)
- MAN04F : Comptabilité financière / MAN04D : Bilanzierung (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Statistique : approfondissement / Vertiefungskurs Statistik (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
Third Year
In the third year, students must take 7 required courses worth 32.5 ECTS credits, as well as elective courses of at least 14 ECTS credits which can be choosen of a list of defined courses. Additionally, a thesis is written, in either German or French, worth 15 ECTS credits.
5th semester (Autumn)
- Systèmes concurrents et distribués (5 ECTS, langue : FR)
- Decision Support I (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR)
- Sécurité informatique (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR)
- Requirements Engineering for Information Systems (4.5 ECTS, Langue: EN)
Computer Science: following courses offered in the Bachelor in Computer Science can be taken:
- SIN.01022 Architecture d’ordinateur (5 ECTS)
- SIN.05020 Programmation fonctionnelle et logique (5 ECTS)
Business Administration and Economics:
- MAN05F : Gestion des ressources humaines / MAN05D : Human Resource Management (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- MAN06E : Introductory courses in Entrepreneurship (ECTS 4.5, langue : E)
- ECO08E : Applied Econometrics (4.5 ECTS, langue : E)
6th Semester (Spring)
- Machine Learning (5 ECTS, langue : E)
- Decision Support II (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR)
- Information Systems Developement Project (4.5 ECTS, langue : E)
Computer Science: following courses offered in the Bachelor in Computer Science can be taken:
- SIN.02022 Robotique (5 ECTS)
- SIN.04022 Systèmes d'exploitation (5 ECTS)
- SIN.02020 Programmation proche du système (5 ECTS)
- SIN.06021 Formal methods (5 ECTS, langue : E)
Business Administration and Economics:
- MAN03F : Recherche Marketing / MAN03D : Marketingforschung (6 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- MAN08F : Management stratégique / MAN08D : Strategisches Management (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- MAN09F : Comptabilité de gestion / MAN09D : Controlling (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- MAN10F : Finance d’entreprise / MAN10D : Unternehmensfinanzierung (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Microéconomie II / Mikroökonomie II (6 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)
- Droit II / Recht II (4.5 ECTS, langue : FR & DE)