Prize of the Foundation Ambros Lüthi

  • Purpose

    The Foundation awards the Prize of 5’000 Swiss Francs every two years to an end-of-studies document chosen through its evaluation procedure.

  • Prize Winner

    Price 2024


    The Ambros Lüthi Foundation awards every two years a prize for economic research dealing with ethical and/or ecological issues. 

    This year, the foundation has decided to reward the researchers Peter Fiechter, Jörg-Markus Hitz and Nico Lehmann for their work entitled “Real Effects of a Widespread CSR Reporting Mandate: Evidence from the European Union's CSR Directive”, published in the Journal of Accounting Research in 2022.

    The article shows that regulations requiring companies to disclose their social and environmental policies not only increase corporate transparency, but also have real positive effects on corporate practices.

    This result highlights the importance of public regulation in promoting good practice and was deemed worthy of recognition by the Foundation.




  • Project Submission


    The call for works is open to any person affiliated with a Swiss university or research institute.


    The project submitted to the evaluation for the Prize have to be accomplished (at least substantially) within the last three years before the deadline of submission. The project must pertain to (at least) one of the following four areas:

    • socio-economic studies
    • econometric studies
    • studies of alternative economic models
    • projects related to scientific, technological or organizational innovation and/or to their technology transfer.
    • Moreover, the project must be of relevance from the perspectives of economic, business and/or environmental ethics.
      For more information, please consult the Foundation's by-laws.


    The documentation of the submitted project must include the following pieces of information:

    1. A description summarizing the project (not more than 1 page) consisting of:

    1.1 the title of the project
    1.2 the keywords characterizing the issues addressed in the project
    1.3 the abstract of the project

    2. Information about each member of the project (not more than 1 page):

    2.1 the family name, the first name and the date of birth 2.2 the academic title and discipline
    2.2 the academic title and discipline
    2.3 the institution, the department and the function
    2.4 the postal address, the telephone number and the email address

    3. The research project


    30 April 2024. Late submissions will not be taken into consideration.


    By electronic mail, in pdf format:


    Questions may be sent to:

  • By-Laws

    By-Laws of the Scientific Committee of the Ambros Lüthi Foundation Regarding the Presentation of the Prize of the Ambros Lüthi Foundation

    (0) Purpose

    The purpose of the Ambros Lüthi Foundation is the promotion of research and teaching in the areas of business and economics from the ecological and/or ethical perspectives.

    (1) Eligibility

    Any person is eligible who is affiliated with a university, a university of applied sciences or a research institute in Switzerland.

    (2) Eligible types of projects 

    The projects which can be submitted for evaluation are: scientific works (for example, master dissertations, doctoral theses, articles, books), scientific projects in the process of realization, and other projects which meet the criteria mentioned below. All these projects have to be accomplished (at least substantially) within the last three years before the deadline of submission.

    (3) Substantive criteria

    The project must pertain to (at least) one of the following four areas:

    • socio-economic studies
    • econometric studies
    • studies of alternative economic models
    • projects related to scientific, technological or organizational innovation and/or to their technology transfer.
    • Moreover, the project must be of relevance from the perspectives of economic, business and/or environmental ethics by dealing, for example, with questions of sustainable (economic, social and environmental) development or of corporate responsibility for human rights.

    (4) Submission and evaluation of the projects, determination and presentation of the Prize

    The project must be submitted by electronic mail and in pdf format by April 30 of the year of the presentation to the following address:


    The scientific committee evaluates the submitted projects and proposes the three best projects to the Board of the Foundation, along with the list of titles of all submissions. 

    The Board of the Foundation determines the best project and informs by the end of August the prizewinner(s) and the Department of Economic and Social Sciences at the University of Fribourg. 

    The presentation of the Prize takes place in fall during the ceremony of conferring Master and Doctorate Degrees by the Department of Economic and Social Sciences at the University of Fribourg. 



  • Calendar
    • November 2025 : Launching the call for projects
    • 30 April 2026 : Deadline for submitting projects
    • May to July 2026 : Evaluation of the projects by the panel of experts and decision
    • August 2026 : Determination of the winner by the Board of the Foundation
    • September 2026: Information to the candidates
    • October 2026 : Presentation of the Prize of the Ambros Lüthi Foundation
  • Scientific Committee

    The scientific committee that evaluates the submissions consists of three persons:

    • Georges Enderle : Professor Emeritus of International Business Ethics at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
    • Giovanni Sommaruga : Titular Professor of Logic at the University of Fribourg and Lecturer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ)
    • Edy Portmann : Professor of Computer Science at the Human-IST Institute of the University of Fribourg