Collaborate with the University

You can access the expertise of the University through collaboration projects and licensing. 
The University has professional support to guarantee a clear and efficient execution of collaboration schemes.
The University follows the "General Principles of Technology Transfer at Swiss Universities" for its collaborations.

1 - Collaborations are based on partnership

The collaboration must meet the needs of the industrial partner and be of scientific interest for the researchers.

2 - Protection of intellectual property

The University strives, together with the collaboration partners, to obtain adequate protection for research results.

3 - Freedom of publication

The publication of scientifically-relevantresearch results is important for the advancement of academic staff and ensures the positioning of the University. Before publication, adequate time for the protection of intellectual property can be provided.


4 - Sharing economic success

Companies build on the expertise of the University, developed with the support of public funding. The University is therefore entitled to an appropriate financial share of the revenues.

Possible collaboration models

Industry-funded research projects
  • Application-oriented research in fields of mutual interest
  • Priority right to file patent applications for a company with exclusive rights in a field of use. UNIFR keeps IP rights outside of the company's field of use.
  • Publications: right to publish within reasonable deadlines
  • Financing of project cost through partner. Costs include all the direct laboratory costs (salaries, consumables, travel, etc.) + 20% overhead

Publicly-funded R&D projects (Innosuisse)
  • Projects, where a funding organization pays the academic partner to help industry partners enhance existing products or create new ones
  • Commitment of company to collaborate
  • Company contribution in cash and/or in-kind
  • IP conditions: priority right to file patent applications for a company with exclusive rights in a field of use.
  • Publications: rights to publish within reasonable deadlines

Joint research teams
  • Strategic longterm collaboration on a field of common interest
  • Mixed teams of researchers from UNIFR and industry
  • Funding schemes and collaboration framework are negotiated

Short-term research mandates (Innochecks)
  • Pre-feasibility study for a company to test a concept or provide first results
  • Study is financed by company (or funding organization, e. g. Innosuisse)
  • Results belong to company


Download the template: Industrial collaboration opportunityand contact us at


KTT Service

The University is member of the Switt and of ASTP.