Support for start-ups 

The University supports the creation of start-ups by protecting intellectual property at an early stage and by granting favorable conditions for the licensing of technologies to start-ups created by researchers from the University. The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Service can help you finding non-dilutive funding to start your innovation project.


Start-up grant

A new start-up grant has been announced at the University of Fribourg! 

Deadline: 1 December 2024

Registration opening: 15 September 2024


Submission form



Funding for innovation and start-ups

 Start-ups guidelines and license conditions

Template start-ups license


Spinoffs of the university



Fri UP is the official support body for business creation in the canton of FR. Its mission is to advise anyone who wants to start a business and to support the most innovative projects.

Startup Program - Fri Up


Student Venture Program

The HES-SO Fribourg, the University of Fribourg and Fri Up offer a support program for students who wish to develop their company or innovative start-up during their studies.

HES-SO//Fribourg - Student Venture Program