
Prof. Dr. Philippe Lefebvre

Prof. Dr. Philippe Lefebvre, Dominican, Director of the Barthélemy Institute. He holds the French Chair of Old Testament at Fribourg University, and is the translator of 3 Kingdoms (1 Kings) in the Bible d’Alexandrie. He is active in the Bible de Jérusalem en ses Traditions project, and has responsibility for 1-2 Samuel.

Prof. Em. Adrian Schenker

Prof. Em. Adrian Schenker, Dominican, Professor Emeritus of Fribourg University. He is president of the BHQ Editorial Committee, and editor of the books of Kings in this same project. He is a member of the Committee on Scholarly Editions of the German Bible Society and of the United Bible Societies.


Prof. tit. Innocent Himbaza

Prof. tit. Innocent Himbaza, Curator of the Barthélemy Institute. He teaches Old Testament and Hebrew at Fribourg University, and he is the editor of the book of Leviticus in the BHQ project. He is a member of the Editorial Committee of the BHQ and of the Committee on Translation Policy of the United Bible Societies.

PD Dr. Philippe Hugo

Permanent deacon, Senior Lecturer in Old Testament at the University of Fribourg.

He conducts research into the earliest history of the text of the books of Samuel and Kings (Massoretic text, Qumran fragments, Septuagint, Vetus Latina). He is also director of the Centre catholique romand de formations en Eglise.

Mary-Gabrielle Roth-Mouthon

Mary-Gabrielle Roth-Mouthon, Assistant to the Chair of Old Testament of Fribourg University. She is researching a doctoral thesis which will clarify especially the textual value of the Samaritan Pentateuch of Fribourg.

Dr. Pierre Casetti

Pierre Casetti is a retired secondary school teacher. As a contributor to the Biblia Hebraica Quinta, he is jointly responsible for the publication of the book of Joshua.

Assistant Professor Dr. Nesina Grütter

SNSF Starting Grant Professor

Principal Investigator

MiTAnIm Project

Comparatistics: Semitics and History of Religions (Ancient Near East and Mediterranean)

Septuagint and Cognate Studies: Textual Criticism, Translation Studies and Reception History

Digitization: Religion-Connotated Materiality and Literature in Growing Corpora


Dr. Matthias Müller


MiTAnIm Project

Margareth Warburton (BSc)


MiTAnIm Project

Samuel Gasser (BSc)


MiTAnIm Project

Nora Hurter (BA)


MiTAnIm Project

Lara Martin-Rosenow (BA)


MiTAnIm Project