Professor Dr. Dirk Morschett
Chair Holder
Chair for International Management
University of Fribourg/Switzerland
Boulevard de Pérolles 90, Office D310
CH-1700 Fribourg
Phone : +41 26 300 84 17
E-Mail: dirk.morschett[at]
Please e-mail for appointments.

Academic Career:
since September 2007:
Holder of the Chair for International Management (initially: Liebherr/Richemont Endowed Chair) at the University of Fribourg/Switzerland
June 14, 2006:
Venia Legendi in Business Administration at the Saarland University, Saarbrücken (Habilitation), Topic of Habilitation Thesis: "Coordination and Institutionalization of Foreign Subsidiaries – Analysis with Special Regard to Service Companies"
May 2002 – August 2007:
Assistant Professor at the Chair of Business Administration, esp. Foreign Trade and International Management, Saarland University Lecturer in the Programme MBA-Europe of the Europa-Institut at the Saarland University
since May 2002:
Visiting Lecturer in Different Master- and MBA-Programmes in Different Countries, among those:
Lecture on "International Business" at the Institut Universitaire International, Luxemburg (2008)
Lectures on "International Business" and on "Consumer Behaviour" at University of Trier, Germany (2004)
Lecture on "Consumer Behaviour" at Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok (2008) Lecture on "Principles of Marketing Management" at EM Lyon, France (2003)
Lecture on "Marketing Research" at the Babes-Bolyai-University, Cluy-Napoca, Romania (2007)
Lecture on "Modern Distribution Management in European Markets" at the Smurfit Graduate School of Business, University College Dublin, Ireland (2003)
Lecture on "International Marketing" at the National University of Ireland's International MBA-Programme in Hong Kong, China (2003)
Lecture on "International Marketing in Europe" at the Universidad Gabriela Mistrial, Santiago de Chile (2002)
October 2001:
PhD (Doktor) in Business Administration, Topic of Doctoral Thesis: „Retail Branding and Integrated Retail Marketing" (grade: summa cum laude)
March 1996 - April 2002:
Assistant Lecturer and Research Assistant at the Chair of Business Administration, esp. Foreign Trade and International Management, Saarland University
1990 – 1996:
Undergraduate and Graduate Studies of Business Administration at the Saarland University (degree: Diplom-Kaufmann)
Studies at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA)
Membership in Organisations (Selection):
- Academy of International Business (AIB)
- European International Business Academy (EIBA)
- American Marketing Association (AMA)
- European Marketing Academy (EMAC)
- European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution (EAERCD)
(Co-Chair of the 2007 Annual Conference) - Editorial Board of "European Retail Research"
- Advisory Board of the "Journal of Customer Beahviour"
- Strategic Advisory Board of the Company "Retail Solutions", Zug