Research Emerging Markets
Research on emerging markets is done by senior lecturers, doctoral students and master students. Within the field of emerging markets, the topics that the Sika-endowed Research Group Emerging Markets investigates, are very broad.
During her time in Fribourg, Dr. Marie-Ann Betschinger has successfully researched specific aspects of emerging markets and published a number of articles in journals, edited volumes and conference proceedings, e.g.:
- Bertrand, Olivier; Betschinger, Marie-Ann; Settles, Alexander (2016): The relevance of political affinity for the initial acquisition premium in cross-border acquisitions, in: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 37, No. 10, pp. 2071-2091.
- Bertrand, Olivier; Betschinger, Marie-Ann (2016): Rhe role of infrastructure aid in the FDI entry decision in developing and emerging economies, in: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.
- Bertrand, Olivier; Betschinger, Marie-Ann; Bertschy, Nina; Shidlauskas, Roman (2016): On the role of the political regime in the choice between international acquisitions and joint ventures when entering an emerging market: Evidence from Russia, in: Finkelstein, S.; Cooper, C. (Eds.): Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Vol. 15, p. 37-52.
Currently, one research stream that is investigated byour PhD student Juan Wu, M.Sc., is the M&A activity of Chinese companies in Europe, in particular in Switzerland. In this project, entitled “Building up Firm Specific Advantages in Double Embeddedness - Strategic Asset-Seeking FDIs from Chinese POEs in most competitive countries”, almost 20 cases of Chinese acquisitions in Switzerland, Germany and the USA are investigated to identify the main motives for these acquisitions but more importantly, to find patterns along the different stages of the acquisition and integration process.
From January 2019 to February 2023, an additional PhD student, Ms. Ngoc Bich Le, M.A., from Vietnam has doing research on Management in Emerging Markets. She successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Corporate Social Responsibility and Employer Attractiveness Three Essays on its Role in International Recruitment for Multinational Enterprises" on February 1, 2023. In her research, the investigated the labour markets in emerging countries and she investigated the particularities of Emerging Market Multinationals (EMNEs) as employers – in emerging markets as well as in industrialized countries.
In the last years, more than 30 students have written their Master thesis on Management in Emerging Markets under the supervision of the Chair for International Management. Interesting results have been found and many of these master theses are worthwhile reading for academics and practitioners alike. Some of the topics that were investigated in master theses were:
- Jarosch, Julia (2014): How does franchising in emerging markets differ from franchising in developed countries? Case of Ukraine and Switzerland
- Pasqua, Luise (2014): Development of a typology for emerging market multinational corporations
- West, Daniela (2015): Internationalisation of emerging market multinationals from different industry sectors1
- Vejseli, Getoar (2015): FDI in Macedonia
- Fard, Armini (2015): European companies investing in Iran
- Toffolon, Guilia (2015): Entry modes of Chinese MNCs in Africa
Belfiore, Camilla (2015): Diversification of business groups in emerging markets – The case of India
Osmanli, Javid (2016): Market entry of Western European companies into Azerbaijan
Pham, Ha (2016): Internationalization of emerging market MNCs – An integrated review
Gailer, Olga (2017): Market entry strategies in Russia from the perspective of manufacturing companies
Balz, Reto (2017): Entering Chinese B2C Online Markets – China’s Online Retail Sector, Market Entry Modes and Sales Channels
Kofmel, Christian (2017): Implications for a communication concept when introducing a vertical downward line extension in emerging markets
Knezevic, Zarko (2017): International divestment – Why are Western MNCs leaving China?
Rabago, Guillaume (2017): International divestment – Why are Western MNCs leaving South America?
Walther, Yannick (2017): How can a collaborative economy help to mitigate institutional voids in general and particularly in emerging markets?
Ostrowska, Marta (2017): Regional determinants of FDI location – The case of the Lodz region in Poland
Yadav, Jaipal (2017): Institutional Voids – Role of business consultancy and FDI
Schmidli, Simon (2017): Supporting social entrepreneurship – A study of business incubation to social entrepreneurship in Switzerland and India
Kranas, Alkis (2018): Exploring the sustainability of the hospitality industry: A case study of Milos island in Greece
Londono Giraldo, Laura (2018): Internationalization of collaborative economy business models into emerging markets – A case from Colombia
Salmina, Daria (2018): Decision-making logic: Exploring the establishment and internationalization processes of “Animacord” (a Russian animation studio)
Bernasconi, Davide (2018): International divestment: Why Western MNCs are leaving China - Difference between Theory and Practice
Bedogni, Valentina (2018): M&As in the wine industry: The role of emerging economies
Fraga Andrade, Sophia (2018): Cross-border M&A (The case of the OI and PT telecom merger in Portugal)
Castellani, Loris (2018): Profitability of emerging markets – Market analysis and strategy from the perspective of an online gambling firm
Muji, Shkelzen (2018): Entrepreneurship in Kosovo - An Analysis of Direct Investments in Kosovo from the Diaspora in Switzerland
Murillo, Julian (2018): Emerging Market Multinational's Acquisitions in Europe - Motives and Strategies (Focus on Indian companies)
Amico, Matteo (2019): The Internationalization of Sicilian Wine Companies in China
Cid Muñoz, Mireya (2019): Make-or-buy decision of logistics processes by e-commerce market leaders (in United States, China, India)
Do, Hong Kim (2020): Foreign Retail Divestment from China
Tran Ngoc, Bao Son (2020): Innovation of Digital Payment in E-Commerce: Differences between EU and China
Sénéchaud, Alexanne (2021): Corporate Communication Strategies in Emerging Market Multinationals
Yao, Jinke (2021): Internationalisation of B2B Trade Fairs into New Regions (the case of China)
Kupper, Charles (2021): The location choices of international digital service providers and associated host market factors – Insights from the giants of the industry (in the North America, Europe, Asia)
Botou, Jonathan (2021): Drivers of Foreign Divestment from Major Retailing Companies in the Middle East and African markets
- Bauer, Andreas (2021): CSR Decoupling in the Mining Industry (Focus on emerging market multinational enterprises)
- Troqe, Anxhela (2022): The Internationalization of Korean Cosmetics Firms: An Analysis of Patterns, Motives, Strategies, and Success
- Nguyen, Ngoc Tram (2022): CSR Impacts on Talent Attraction of MNCs in Emerging Countries: The Case of Vietnam
Ramseier, Simone (2022): Sharing Mobility Economy in China: A Business Modell Analysis