Presentations by Managers and other External Expertsin Previous Semesters
During the last years, a number of high-level executives and experts from different companies and organisations gave presentations within our Master programme:
- Simon NÜCHTER, Head of Category Management, Mammut, "Category Planning and Execution for an International Store Chain" Monday, December 9, 2024
- Martino PICCIOLI, CEO, Plastifil, "International Activities of Plastifil" Monday, December 2, 2024
- Markus LAENZLINGER, former CEO, migrolino, President of the Supervisory Board Subway Switzerland, "Success in the Swiss Convenience Market" Monday, December 2, 2024
- Alexander FREY, Key Account Manager, Bosch Switzerland, "Collaboration Between a Leading Brand Manufacturer and its Retail Customers", Monday, November 25, 2024
- Jérôme MEYER, CEO, Aldi Suisse, "Retail Management at Aldi Suisse" Monday, November 18, 2024
- Christopher BECKER, Head of Licensing & Retail Partnerships, Tonies, "Strategy of the World’s Largest Interactive Audio Platform", Monday, November 11, 2024
- Katarina LUCIC, Head of Retail & Distribution Asia-Pacific, SIKA, "Coordinating Retail & Distribution from Regional Headquarters", Monday, October 21, 2024
- Claudio MÜLLER, Head of Category Management, Gübelin, "Category Management at a Luxury Watches & Jewelry Retailer in Switzerland", Monday, October 21, 2024
- Claudia BALAN, Senior Talent Acquisition Lead, SICPA, "International Talent Acquisition at SICPA", Monday, October 14, 2024
- Peter BACHMANN, former Executive Director, Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce, "Opportunities and Challenges for Swiss Companies in China", Monday, October 7, 2024
- Bernhard EGGER, Managing Director,, "Digital Commerce in Europe – Opportunities and Threats for Swiss Online Players", Monday, May 6, 2024
- Mélusine PERRIER, Consultant, Switzerland Global Enterprise, "Navigating Global Economies with Switzerland Global Enterprise – Selling Internationally via E-Commerce", Monday, April 29, 2024
- Ann STRÖM, Head of Digital, IKEA Switzerland, "Digital Commerce at IKEA", Monday, April 22, 2024
- Daniel Baur, Founder & Managing Director, emonitor AG, "emonitor as Digital Platform in the Swiss Real Estate Market", Monday, March 18, 2024
- Valentina BONANCINA, Associate Marketing Manager, Mattel Italy, "The Barbie Movie and the international Marketing for Barbie", Monday, December 11, 2023
- Alessandro RIGONI, Directeur Général, Nestlé Waters Suisse, "Sustainability at Henniez – Management and Marketing", Monday, November 27, 2023
- Pierre-Yves BONVIN; Managing Director, Steiger (Textil Machines), "Opportunities and Risks for a Swiss company in China", Monday, November 27, 2023
- Louis ENGEL, Head of EHS, Sika AG, "The International Management of EHS (Environment, Health, Safety) at Sika", Monday, November 13, 2023
- Lukas SCHULTHESS, Sales & Supply Chain Manager, Savencia Suisse, "Challenges of the Swiss Subsidiary of a World-Leading Dairy Company", Monday, November 6, 2023
- Remo GISLER, Global Head of Digital, Läderach, "Cyber-Attacke auf Läderach – Learnings" (Vortrag auf Deutsch), Dienstag, 25. April 2023 (in der Vorlesung Wirtschaftsinformatik II)
- Martin STREHL, CEO, Eversys, "Global Strategy of Eversys" (Supertraditional Coffee Machines with Connectivity Solutions), Monday, March 27, 2023 (in the lecture «Management stratégique»)
- Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission, "EU-Switzerland relations", Wednesday, March 15, 2023, [Europe Day, followed by an apéro]
- Patrick Kessler, Managing Director,, "Digital Commerce in Europe - Opportunities and Threats for Swiss Online Players", Monday, March 13, 2023
- Thomas ROTH, Co-Director,, "Detecting and fighting human trafficking", Monday, December 5, 2022
- Jérôme MEYER, Country Managing Director, Aldi Suisse, "International Management of a dynamic retailer in Switzerland", Tuesday, November 22, 2022
- Lukas SCHEIDEGGER, Head of Digital, Scott Sports, "Digital marketing at Scott Sports", Monday, November 21, 2022 (in the course of Silke Baumbauer-Sachse)
- Andreas SIEGMANN, CEO Jumbo, Coop bau+hobby and Jumbo, "Merging two leading home improvement retailers", Monday, November 7, 2022
- Daniel RUST, Portfolio & Innovation Manager, Schweppes International, "Management of a leading European beverages company", Monday, October 31, 2022
- Katarina LUCIC, Regional Strategy & Integration Manager, Sika AG, "Developing and implementing a regional strategy for Asia-Pacific at Sika AG", Monday, October 3, 2022 via Zoom
- Kanika Goel, Senior Director Data Science at adidas & Kathrin Schwan, Managing Director at Accenture, "Personalised Marketing as a Trend in Swiss Retail", Wednesday, July 6, 2022 (Webinar)
- Hsiangting LEE, Product Manager E-Commerce, Interdiscount/Microspot, "E-Commerce at Interdiscount/Microspot", Monday, May 16, 2022, via Zoom
- Charlotte Aguilar, Head Global E-Commerce, Sika AG, "Digital Commerce at the Global Construction Chemicals Company Sika", Monday, May 9, 2022, via Zoom
- Dr. Klaus HOMMELS, Founder, Lakestar, "Innovation in Europa: Standortbestimmung und Perspektiven", Wednesday, May 4, 2022 [Europe Day]
- Dr. Henri GÉTAZ, Secretary-General of EFTA, "World trade in a state of upheaval? A European Perspective", Monday, May 2, 2022 [Europe Day, invited by Prof. Philippe Gugler]
- Joël MULLER, Digital Marketing Advisor, Nescafé Dolce Gusto, "The Global Digital and Loyalty Strategy of Nescafé Dolce Gusto", Monday, May 2, 2022
- Univ.-Professor Mike Geppert, University of Jena (Germany), "Studying Work and Employment Relations of European Multinational, Grocery Retailers: Discounters and Hypermarkets Compared", Tuesday, March 8, 2022
- Sergio Muster, Co-Founder & Managing Director, Sneakerness International, "Sneakerness – Creating and marketing international top events for the Sneakers community", Monday, December 6, 2021
(together with Prof. E. Fauchart, and the course Entrepreneurship) - Raphael Hemmeler, Category & Insights Manager, Coca-Cola Switzerland, "Marketing of Coca-Cola in Switzerland", Monday, November 22, 2021
- Jan Jenisch, CEO, Holcim, "Transforming a world-leading building materials company – Towards a sustainable and digital future", Thursday, November 11, 2021
- Desislava Naseva, Senior Global Pricing & Margin Optimization Manager, MSA – The Safety Company, "Strategic Pricing and International Pricing at MSA", Tuesday, October 26, 2021
- Valentina Bonacina, Group Marketing Manager, L’Oréal, "European Marketing at L’Oréal", Monday, October 25, 2021
- Lorenz Würgler, Head of E-Commerce, Coop Bau+Hobby, "Digital Commerce at the Swiss Market Leader in Home Improvement and Garden", Wednesday, May 19, 2021
- Dominique Locher, Digital Pioneer, Investor, and Luckabox, "E-food and Delivery Logistics as Hot Topics in Digital Commerce", Monday, May 3,2021
- Michael Monney, co-CEO, Laurastar, "Digital Commerce at Laurastar and Lessons Learned in Challenging Times", Wednesday, April 21, 2021
- Prof. Jonathan Reynolds, Oxford University, "Digital Commerce in the UK" (a leading country in Digital Commerce), Monday, April 19, 2021
- Ann Ström, Country Digital Manager, IKEA Switzerland, "Digital Commerce at IKEA", Monday, April 12, 2021
- Dr. Nicolas Lohr, Founder,, "Creating a Successful Global Digital Commerce Startup in Farm Machines", Tuesday, March 23, 2021
- Patrick Kessler, President, VSV – Swiss E-Commerce Association, "Digital Commerce in Europe and beyond - Opportunities and Threats for Swiss Online Players" , Tuesday, April 28, 2020
- Yannick Hanselmann, Controller, Sika AG, "Controlling in Emerging Markets", Wednesday, May 6, 2020
- Dimitris BRILIS, Vice President Emerging Growth Markets, Alcon, "Challenges and opportunities of driving medical device business in Emerging Growth Markets – The Case of Alcon", November 8, 2019
- Sandro PIFFARETTI & Mihaly LIEB, Delegate & Vice Delegate of the Board of Directors, Swiss Automotive Group, "The activities of the Swiss Automotive Group in South East Europe", November 8, 2019
- Philipp LEUTIGER, Chief Digital Officer, LafargeHolcim, "Digital Innovation in Emerging Markets – The Initiatives at LafargeHolcim Maqer", November 8, 2019
- Aurelius WESPI, Head Migros Engineering Solutions, Migros, "Migros - Supply Chain Management and Technology as Success Factors", May 22, 2019
- Alexandra SCHAER, Switzerland Global Enterprise, "Cross-border E-Commerce as Opportunity for Swiss companies in European Markets" (Working Title), May 7, 2019
- Patrick KESSLER, President, VSV – Swiss E-Commerce Association, "Challenges and Success Factors of E-Commerce in Switzerland", April 3, 2019
- Joël MULLER, Manager Direct-to-Consumer, Nestlé Suisse, "Nestlé’s Strategy to Reach the Online Customer", March 27, 2019
- Pierre WENGER, Managing Director, Microspot & Interdiscount, "The Growth and Logistics Strategy of Microspot/Interdiscount", Field Trip «Digital Commerce», March 20, 2019
- Philippe HUWYLER, Managing Director, coop@home, "The Strategy of coop@home", Field Trip «Digital Commerce», March 20, 2019
- Karin GÜL, Schweizerische Post, "Insights into the Post’s System and Infrastructure", Field Trip «Digital Commerce», March 20, 2019
- Jan JENISCH, CEO, LafargeHolcim, "Leading a Global Business - Challenges and Success Factors", March 18, 2019
- Jérome MEYER, Managing Director, Aldi Suisse Region Domdidier, "Strategy and Concept of Aldi Suisse", March 11, 2019
- Alexandra SCHAER, Switzerland Global Enterprise, "Cross-border E-Commerce as Opportunity for Swiss companies in European Markets" (Working Title), May 7, 2019
- Patrick KESSLER, President, VSV – Swiss E-Commerce Association, "Challenges and Success Factors of E-Commerce in Switzerland", April 3, 2019
- Pierre WENGER, Managing Director, Microspot & Interdiscount, "The Growth and Logistics Strategy of Microspot/Interdiscount", Field Trip «Digital Commerce», March 20, 2019
- Philippe HUWYLER, Managing Director, "The Strategy of "coop@home", Field Trip «Digital Commerce»,
March 20, 2019 - Karin GÜL, Schweizerische Post, "Insights into the Post’s System and Infrastructure", Field Trip «Digital Commerce», March 20, 2019
- Jan JENISCH, CEO, LafargeHolcim, "Leading a Global Business - Challenges and Success Factors",
March 18, 2019 - Jérome MEYER, Managing Director, Aldi Suisse Region Domdidier, "Strategy and Concept of Aldi Suisse",
March 1, 2019 - Satyadeep Rajan, Founder and President of Swiss Learning Exchange (SLX): "Business in India",
November 5, 2018 - Duncan Scholtz, General Manager, Alcon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. "International Management at Alcon Pharmaceuticals" (working title), November 19, 2018
- Béatrice Lombard-Martin, Co-President, Swiss Russian Forum "Opportunities and Challenges in Russia" (working title), May 18, 2018
- Francis Maechling, CFO, Liebherr Mining "Success in Emerging Markets – The Perspective of Liebherr Mining", May 18, 2018
- Dr. Veit Wagner, Vice President, REHAU Group "Activities of REHAU in Emerging Markets", May 18, 2018
- Michael Kühn, Senior Consultant, Switzerland Global Enterprise "Business Opportunities for Swiss Companies in Russia", May 2, 2018
- Klaas Neubert, Senior Manager, Accenture Strategy "Leveraging analytics and artificial intelligence to more effectively manage multinational conglomerates", April 17, 2018
- Prof. Dr. Jean-Claude Usunier, HEC Lausanne: "Product Ethnicity: How Consumers associate Products with Countries", November 14, 2017
- Alessandro Rigoni, Business Executive Officer Confectionery, Nestlé Suisse: “The Relaunch of the Chocolate Brand Cailler”, November 13, 2017
- Melanie Jotterand, Philip Morris International: „International Marketing at Philip Morris and Career Opportunities” (working title), November 7
- Oliver Stärkle, Senior Brand Manager, Granini: "International Marketing of Granini” (working title),
October 31, 2017 - Duncan Scholtz, General Manager, Alcon Pharmaceuticals Ltd.: “International Management at Alcon Pharmaceuticals” (working title), October 30, 2017
- Nhu-Lan Muster-Lam, CEE Area Marketing Manager Gum Health, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare: „International Marketing for Healthcare Products at GSK” (working title), October 23, 2017
- Michael Monney, Global Commercial and Sales Director, Laurastar: "International Marketing and Sales at Laurastar", October 10, 2017
- Philippe Nell, Chef du secteur Amériques, SECO - Secrétariat d'Etat à l'économie : «Brexit : What can the UK learn from Swiss-EU relations?», April 25, 2017
- Pierre Moscovici, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs : «L’avenir de l’Union européenne – perspectives et défis» April 25, 2017
- Dr. Peter Figge, CEO and Co-Owner, Jung von Matt: «The Challenges of Communication and Advertising in an international context» March 20, 2017 (event in cooperation with Alumni SES)
- Daniel Röthlin, Geschäftsführer, Ex Libris: "Die Strategie von Ex Libris in einem herausfordernden Markt",
19. Dezember 2016 - Frederic Brunier, Managing Director, Accenture: "The Influence of Technological Mega-Trends on the Management of International Companies", November 28, 2016
- Thomas Roth, "Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery as Issue for International Managers", November 28, 2016
- Alexander Koch, Corporate Communication Manager, FIFA: "Reputation Management in an International Organisation", November 23, 2016 (event in cooperation with Alumni SES)
- Dr. Christoph Wildhaber, Geschäftsführer Schweizer Franchise-Verband: "Franchising als kooperatives Geschäftskonzept und Wachstumsstrategie", 21. November 2016
- Solomon Prakash, Social Entrepreneur, ex-Country Director, India, Ashoka Foundation "Social Entrepreneurship in India", May 25, 2016, (event in cooperation with Swiss Learning Exchange/)
- Rodin Lederle, Head of Business Management, Schindler Switzerland "International Strategy and Success Factors of Schindler", May 5, 2016, (event in cooperation with Alumni SES)
- Peter von Matt, Germanist und Schriftsteller"Don Quijote reitet über alle Grenzen - Europa als Raum der Inspiration", April 27, 2016
(Festvortrag in deutscher Sprache anlässlich des Europatages der Universität Fribourg) - Kai Gramke, BAK BASEL "The Relevance of the Bilateral Agreements for Swiss Companies", April 27, 2016
(Presentation on the occasion of the Europe Day of the University of Fribourg) - Dr. Roman Bartnik, Institute of East-Asian Studies, University of Duisburg "Purchasing in Emerging Markets", April 27, 2016
- Prof. Phani Tej Adidam, Professor of Management, University of Omaha at Nebraska "Doing Business in India", March 3, 2016
- Erwin Kaelin, Head of Developing Markets, Geberit International "Management and Distribution of Geberit in Emerging Countries", December 14, 2015
- Dimitrios Karampis, HR Manager, Philip Morris SA "HRM in the Multinational Company Philip Morris SA", December 7, 2015
- Thomas Truttmann, VP Marketing, McDonald’s Switzerland "Marketing of a global Player in Switzerland - McDonald’s", December 2, 2015
- Satyadeep Rajan, Serial Entrepreneur and Angel Investor "India in Transition" November 19, 2015
- Lukas Bucheli, Group Product Manager, Bongrain Deutschland "International Marketing at Bongrain" ,
November 10, 2015 - Dr. Rico Tang, CEO, Valurise Health Solutions Group, Shanghai, “Innovations in the Health Service Industry in China”, December 18, 2014
- Kurt Haerri, Head Global Marketing & Sales, Schindler "Schindler´s Business Strategy in China", December 10, 2014
- Oliver Staerkle, Key Account Manager, Henniez "Distribution and Key Account Management at Henniez", December 9, 2014
- Roland Frefel, Head Category Management Fresh Products/Gastronomy, Coop, "Category Management at Coop", December 1, 2014
- Stefan Heissler, Managing Director, Liebherr "International Management at Liebherr", December 1, 2014
- Werner Dirks, General Manager Schweiz, La Prairie "Management and Distribution at La Prairie", November 12, 2014
(in cooperation with IVE – Institute for Value-based Enterprise) - Dr. Rolf Soiron, Chairman, Lonza "Management at Lonza" (Working Title), October 8, 2014
(in cooperation with IVE – Institute for Value-based Enterprise) - Markus Vogt, Head of Sales & Marketing, Ricola "International Marketing at Ricola", December 3, 2013
- Robin Barraclough, Chief Marketing Officer, Emmi "International Marketing at Emmi", November 21, 2013
- Andreas Baud, International Marketing Director, Victorinox Swiss Army Fragrance, "International Marketing at Victorinox", November 12, 2013
- Jan Philipp Jenisch, CEO, Sika AG "International Management and Marketing of Sika", November 5, 2013
- Erland Brügger, CEO, Rivella "European Marketing of Rivella", October 21, 2013
- Lukas Schulthess, Senior Brand Manager, NIVEA for Men "European Marketing at Beiersdorf", October 1, 2013
- C. Rief, Managing Director, Aldi Suisse, "Marketing and sales strategy at Aldi", May 28, 2013
- A. Rigoni, Commercial Director, Nestlé Suisse, "Distribution strategy of Nestlé Suisse", May 17, 2013
- L. Vonmoos, Sales Director, Philip Morris Switzerland, "Distribution strategy of Philip Morris in Switzerland", May 14, 2013
- Bundesrat D. Burkhalter, "50 Jahre Schweiz im Europarat", 6. Mai 2013 (Europatag)
- Dr. J. Atteslander, Member of the Board, economiesuisse, "The relevance of the Swiss-EU bilateral relations for Swiss companies – Status quo and future perspectives", May 6, 2013 (Europe Day)
- R. Schaerer / C. Bossart, SERV – Swiss Export Risk Insurance, "Managing Export Risks – The role and instruments of SERV", April 15, 2013
- Jerzy Buzek, former President of the European Parliament and former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, "The Future of Democracy in Europe", Mai 8, 2012 (Europe Day)
- Oliver Bertschinger, Regional Director Europe, OSEC Business Network Switzerland and Miguel Fonollosa, Leader Swiss Business Hub Poland, OSEC, "Business opportunities in Europe in general and in Poland in particular", Mai 8, 2012 (Europe Day)
- Reto Aeschbacher, Head of Marketing, Scott "International Marketing at Scott", December 19, 2011
- Carles Brand, Head of Marketing, Tetrapak "International Marketing at Tetrapak", December 5, 2011
- Georges Kern, CEO, IWC "International Marketing at IWC", November 28, 2011
- Annette Heimlicher, Director Corporate Development, Contrinex "International Marketing and Distribution at Contrinex", November 14, 2011
- Lukas Bucheli, Brand Manager NIVEA for Men, Beiersdorf "Marketing and International Marketing at Beiersdorf", October 11, 2011
- Günter Verheugen, former Vice President of the European Commission, "EU-Erweiterungen: politische, wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Herausforderungen", May 4, 2011
- Prof. J. Creel, Deputy Director of the Research Department of the French Observatoire des Conjoncture Economiques (OFCE) - in cooperation with T. Madiès and S. Rossi "Quel avenir pour la zone euro après la crise?", May 4, 2011
- Michel Grandchamps, Head of TC Sales & Solutions, T-Systems Schweiz, "Managing International Activities at T-Systems", April 19, 2011
- Dr. Paul Fries, Member of Supervisory Board and Co-Owner, Seaking, "Management Experiences in an International Company", April 12, 2011
- Jean-Marie Ayer, President, Dartfish, "International Management at Dartfish", December 13, 2010
- Roland Frefel, Category Management, Coop, "Company Strategy and Category Management at Coop", November 30, 2010
- Alessandro Rigoni, Commercial Director, Nestlé Suisse S.A., "Distribution Policy of Nestlé Suisse", December 20, 2010
- Erwin Kälin, Geberit, Area Sales Manager Middle East/Africa, "Distribution in International Markets", November 8, 2010
- Dr. Heribert Knittlmayer and Tina Rosenbaum, Swiss Export Risk Insurance SERV, "Managing Export Risks – The Role of SERV", May 11, 2010
- Ralf Balzer, European Patent Office, "Patents as a Mean to Protect Intellectual Property – The Role of the European Patent Office", May 10, 2010
- Christine Beerli, Vice-President, International Committee of the Red Cross, "Organisation of International Activities", March 24, 2010
- Beat Brechbühl, Partner, Kellerhals Attorneys at Law, "Mergers & Acquisitions in Europe – A Case Study", November 3, 2009
- Katalin Dreher, OSEC Business Network Switzerland, "Markets in Western and Eastern Europe – Opportunities and Challenges", November 24, 2009
- Beat Pahud, Managing Director, Aldi Suisse, "Entering a New Market – Aldi in Switzerland", November 30, 2009
- Bruno Wiederkehr, Sales Director, Warner Bros. Home Video Schweiz, "Implementation of a Global Marketing & Sales Strategy in a Small and Complex Market", December 7, 2009
- Ulrike Spang-Lessnow, Deputy Retail Manager, Ikea Schweiz, "Management and Coordination in a Multinational Company - The Example IKEA", May 18, 2009
- Thomas Pletscher, Member of the Executive Board, Economiesuisse "Parallel Imports and Cassis de Dijon – Relevance for Swiss Companies", April 28, 2009
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Zentes, Saarland University, "The Management of Networks", March 9, 2009
- C. Merkle, President & CEO, CBC (China Business Center) "Business Success in China", October 20, 2008
- Alessandro Rigoni, Commercial Director, Nestlé Suisse S.A. "Cooperation between Consumer Goods Manufacturers and Retailers", November 3, 2008
- Dr. P. Hampl, Managing Director EMD AG, "International Buying Alliances of Retailers", December 1, 2008
- Thomas Lindemann, DRH Richemont International, "Human Resource Development in a Modern Multinational Corporation", March 4, 2008
- R. Büchi, Senior Consultant, OSEC Swiss Business Network "Instruments to Support Swiss Companies' Internationalisation and the Role of OSEC", April 1, 2008
- Dr. Herbert Knittlmayer and T. Rosenbaum, SERV Swiss Export Risk Insurance "Export Risks and the Role of SERV", April 7, 2008
- Prof. Dr. B. Ivens, HEC Lausanne "Governance Mechanisms in International Business Relationships", May 6, 2008
- Winfried Böhm and Denis Zosso, Directors, Liebherr International AG "Managing a Large Multinational Company Network:The Example of Liebherr", May 20, 2008