The Council of Nicaea as an Ecumenical Guide for Christian Unity
Unter diesem Titel fand am 18. November am Zentrum für das Studium der Ostkirchen ein Kolloquium in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kommission "Faith and Order" des Weltkirchenrates statt. Auch die Studierenden…
Archbishop Anastasios of Albania died on 25 January 2025
Archbishop Anastasios (Yannoulatos) had been at the head of the Orthodox Church of Albania since 1991 and rebuilt it after the period of communist rule.
A new volume in the Bulgakov Edition has been published!
‘Die Weisheit Gottes. Sophiologie im Überblick’ (The Wisdom of God. An Outline of Sophiology) is the title of the introduction that Sergij Bulgakov published in English in 1937 in order to make his way…
Book presentation with a large number of participants!
On 23 November, the book by Laureline Bocken, ‘Le Martyrologe commun du petit séminaire de Buta au Burundi’, was presented at the Salesianum (see NEWS of 28 October 2024). Two survivors of the tragedy…
The Council of Nicaea as an Ecumenical Guide for Christian Unity
Unter diesem Titel fand am 18. November am Zentrum für das Studium der Ostkirchen ein Kolloquium in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kommission "Faith and Order" des Weltkirchenrates statt. Auch die Studierenden…
Archbishop Anastasios of Albania died on 25 January 2025
Archbishop Anastasios (Yannoulatos) had been at the head of the Orthodox Church of Albania since 1991 and rebuilt it after the period of communist rule.
A new volume in the Bulgakov Edition has been published!
‘Die Weisheit Gottes. Sophiologie im Überblick’ (The Wisdom of God. An Outline of Sophiology) is the title of the introduction that Sergij Bulgakov published in English in 1937 in order to make his way…
Book presentation with a large number of participants!
On 23 November, the book by Laureline Bocken, ‘Le Martyrologe commun du petit séminaire de Buta au Burundi’, was presented at the Salesianum (see NEWS of 28 October 2024). Two survivors of the tragedy…
The Council of Nicaea as an Ecumenical Guide for Christian Unity
Unter diesem Titel fand am 18. November am Zentrum für das Studium der Ostkirchen ein Kolloquium in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kommission "Faith and Order" des Weltkirchenrates statt. Auch die Studierenden…