Ernst Christoph SuttnerPublished on 04.10.2023
The Study Centre congratulates Prof. Ernst Christoph Suttner!
On 4 October 2023, Professor Ernst Christoph Suttner celebrates his 90th birthday. Suttner, born 1933, studied at the Collegium Germanicum Hungaricum and at the Collegium Russicum in Rome; from 1975 to 2002 he was Professor of Patrology and the Studies of the Eastern Churches at the University of Vienna; he has been a member of the board of the Pro Oriente Foundation; from 1993 to 1999 he was responsible for the German-speaking pastoral care in Moscow, in 1998 he received the Abt-Emmanuel-Heufelder Award of the Niederaltaich Abbey. Suttner holds honorary doctorates from the Universities of Cluj-Napoca, Arad and Alba Iulia. He donated his research library on the Eastern Churches to the St. Nicholas Study Centre.
Several books written by Prof. Suttner have been published in the series "Studia Oecumenica Friburgensia" of the Institute for Ecumenical Studies. See
Several articles and conference papers are available online on our website.
See the congratulations on the website of the diocese of Würzburg where Suttner lives since 2011.