Publié le 03.07.2018
Applicants Training for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships
Individual Fellowships provide opportunities to researchers of any nationality to acquire and transfer new knowledge and to work on research and innovation in Europe (EU Member States and Horizon 2020 Associated Countries) and beyond.
This event is a one-day training for researchers planning to apply to the 2018 Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship Call. You will work with an example proposal, get insight into the evaluation process and have the possibility to learn from a successful applicant.
At the time of the event, participants should have outlined their proposal and be in contact with their future host institution.
This event is free of charge but registration is mandatory. Due to place restriction, preference will be given to applicants planning to apply with a host institution located in Switzerland.
For more information:
Deadline for registration is June 27, 2018