Call for ApplicationsPublié le 18.07.2018
Summer University on Federalism, Decentralisation and Conflict Resolution – 27.8.-12.9.2018
Will federalism work in Nepal? Should Catalonia be allowed to secede from Spain? How can minorities like the Rohingya in Myanmar be protected? Can power sharing contribute to solve conflicts in Iraq, South Sudan, Syria or Yemen? What are the challenges the Swiss federal system faces? How will Brexit affect Northern Ireland? How does the Panchayat Raj in India deal with a centralised bureaucracy? How do countries like Belgium, Cameroon or Canada deal with linguistic divides? These and other questions will be dealt with at the next Summer University on Federalism, Decentralisation and Conflict Resolution. The 28th edition will take place in Fribourg, Switzerland, from 27th August until 12th September 2018.
The Institute of Federalism and the Chair of Swiss and Comparative Constitutional Law of the University of Fribourg offer a three-week course on Federalism, Decentralisation and Conflict Resolution to deal with theories and practice of federalism, decentralisation and conflict resolution. The course under the direction of Prof. Eva Maria Belser combines lectures, group works and presentations by IFF staff and international guests. Lectures and case studies will include Belgium, Ethiopia, Great Britain, India, Iraq, Italy, Myanmar, Nepal, Spain, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Switzerland, the USA and Yemen.
The course is aimed at advanced students or practitioners who hold at least a bachelor degree of law, political science, international relations, economics, history, journalism or other related sciences and young professionals keen to improve their knowledge of federalism, decentralisation and conflict resolution.
Deadline is on July 18!
Send your application to or via GESTENS
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