Encouraging Academic Excellence in European Taxation Publié le 18.01.2019
CFE Albert J. Rädler Medal Award 2018 - Entries now open
CFE Tax Advisers Europe is pleased to announce the 2018 Albert J. Rädler Medal Award. CFE Tax Advisers Europe is a Brussels-based umbrella association representing European tax advisers. Founded in 1959, CFE brings together 30 national organisations from 24 European countries, representing more than 200,000 tax advisers.
CFE launched this process to encourage academic excellence among young tax students and to commemorate the late tax adviser and Professor Albert J. Rädler (1933 – 2012).
In order to be eligible to apply, an applicant must have completed a Master’s thesis in European taxation which received a distinction in the relevant calendar year, and be 30 years or under on the 31st December of that relevant year. The successful applicant will be presented with the medal at an Award Ceremony which will take place at the 2018 CFE Forum, CFE’s annual International Tax Conference, convened in Brussels in Spring 2019. In addition to the Albert J. Rädler medal itself, the recipient will be offered paid participation and travel costs in order to attend the 2019 CFE Forum in Brussels, as well as a selection of premium technical literature from our collaborating publishers.
Please send the applications until 18th January 2019 to the attention of Ms Karima Baakil, CFE Tax Advisers Europe Office, via email at: info@taxadviserseurope.org