CAS in Compliance

The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Compliance is a targeted educational program in the field of regulatory compliance, designed as a career-enhancing module. The CAS can successfully complement your prior degrees and qualifications.

Whether you are already active in the field of compliance and you would like to deepen your knowledge or you are looking for ways to expand your competencies, the CAS offers you the right tools to do so. You will benefit from the knowledge and experience of our internationally renowned professors, leaders in their field, and you will have the opportunity to become part of a profitable network.

The CAS curriculum is the result of a thorough analysis performed in cooperation with the compliance departments of several national and multinational companies. The curriculum is tailored on the specific needs of the markets, guaranteeing you a greater visibility among recruiters. The CAS offers a large degree of flexibility with regard to the content of the curriculum. You enjoy full discretion in choosing those courses that respond best to your aspirations.

  • Who is the CAS in Compliance for?

    The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Compliance is designed for practicing lawyers as well as legal compliance officers of national and multinational companies, non-governmental or international organizations.

    The program also welcomes graduates with university degrees other than law who have practical experience in regulatory compliance.

  • What will you learn?

    As a Certificate of Advanced Studies participant, you may choose between core curriculum units focusing on the most important fields of compliance, such as tax, competition, labor, banking, environmental compliance, trade compliance and customs regulations, anti-corruption and anti-money laundering compliance, risk regulations and risk management.

    You may enhance the value of your CAS by choosing more courses from the core curriculum or other courses in the field of business law from the supplementary units list.

  • Your Career Options

    The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Compliance prepares you for a wide range of career opportunities in:
    •    compliance or legal departments of national or multinational companies in any field of industry and services such as international trade, to chemical and pharmaceuticals, industrial products, telecommunications, construction, banking and financial services; 
    •    national or international regulatory agencies;
    •    international organizations or non-governmental organizations.

  • Details of the Program

    CAS courses are offered during both the fall and the spring semesters.

    • Fall semester: mid-September to mid-December 
    • Spring semester: mid-February to mid-June.

    All courses and examinations are held in English.

    Classes are held on campus at the Fribourg Law Faculty, with an average of four hours of classes per day.

    To receive their Certificate of Advance Studies, students must complete a sufficient number of curriculum units to earn a minimum of 10 ECTS credits, including:

    • 8 ECTS credits for successful completion of coursework  (4 to 6 units),
    • 2 ECTS credits for preparation of a Certificate Thesis.

    Fall semester examinations are conducted in the first two weeks of December; spring semester examinations are held between 15 May and 15 June.

  • Tuition Fees

    The tuition fee is CHF 8,000.-* and is payable in installments due upon commencement of each curriculum unit chosen.

    The fee for additional units is CHF 500.-* per ECTS credit.

    A 20% discount applies if tuition fees are paid in a single installment before the commencement of the first unit.


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    Silvia Liarosa (Switzerland)

    “2018 started with a great personal satisfaction as I obtained the CAS in Compliance at University of Fribourg. I was pleased that I could attend the classes of Business Crime, Business Ethics and Competition law. The classes were always interesting and presented by highly qualified experts, sharing professional knowledges and experiences in their field. During the course, I deepened my background knowledge and gained additional confidence to exercise my professional activity. I am very grateful to the staff of the University for their presence and advice provided during the CAS.”