LLM in International Contracts & Arbitration

Full Time and Part Time Programs

The expansion of global trade has resulted in an increasingly high degree specialization in international contract practices. The jurisdictional complexity of such contracts has led to a rapid growth in the role of alternative dispute settlement mechanisms. Many international corporations now have separate divisions within their own legal departments tasked with the drafting, negotiation, monitoring and enforcement of their international contracts – and with the settlement of any disputes they may give rise to. Other companies work with international law firms specializing in this demanding area.

A successful career in international contract law requires a thorough familiarity with multiple legal regimes – including the differing cultures they reflect and the ways in which they interact. When disputes arise, mastery of the ever-growing thicket of international conventions and standards is essential. 

The Fribourg Law LLM in Contracts & Arbitration has been specifically designed to prepare students to meet these challenges. Professors of international repute, recognized authorities in their fields will help you gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of international commercial contracts and equip you with the skills you will need to navigate the labyrinth of international dispute resolution mechanisms. In parallel to the coursework, experienced legal practitioners will work with you to develop your drafting, negotiation, pleading and presentation skills through practical exercises in graduate seminars and training clinics.


  • Who is eligible for the Fribourg Law LLM Program?

    The LLM program in International Contracts & Arbitration was designed to meet the demands of experienced lawyers and recent law graduates of proven ability.


    The program is also open to university graduates with degrees in disciplines other than law whose professional experience has prepared them for the study of international contracts and dispute resolution.

  • What will you learn?

    The core curriculum of the Fribourg Law LLM in International Contracts & Arbitration offers students numerous options for putting together individualized study modules suited to their own specific needs and interests. Modules can include any combination of curriculum units chosen from a wide variety of offerings:

    • a comparative introduction to contracts in civil law and common law jurisdictions;
    • graduate level courses on International Arbitration and Private International Law;
    • seminars on key international instruments, including the UNIDROIT Principles for International Commercial Contracts, the Vienna Convention for the International Sales of Goods, the Principles of European Contract Law and the INCOTERMS; 
    • intensive courses on specific contract types of particular importance in international commerce, including construction contracts, agency and distributorship agreements, joint venture and consortium agreements, consumer contracts, insurance contracts, professional sports contracts, mergers and acquisition agreements, secured transactions, trusts and wealth planning structures, etc.;
    • specialized courses on law and business in the world's fastest growing economies – in  Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America;
    • legal clinics and moot courts; 
    • business negotiation training, legal drafting and other skills-oriented courses and seminars.

    Successful completion of each unit allows students to earn the number of ECTS credits corresponding to the investment of time and effort demanded. Units may require between 6 and 16 hours of classroom time, spread over intervals ranging from one day to a maximum of two weeks. For a listing of the curriculum units and the ECTS credits to be earned for each unit, please consult the program structure using the link at the bottom of this page.

    Enhance the value of your LLM by choosing supplementary courses units!

  • Your Career Options

    The Fribourg Law LLM in International Contracts & Arbitration will prepare you for a wide range of career opportunities in companies and law firms with international operations, in international organizations, and in non-governmental associations and organizations around the world.

    Students interested in careers in business management and international trade will gain valuable knowledge and training for developing their contract negotiation and performance monitoring skills.

  • Features of Full Time & Part Time Programs

    The academic year has a duration of approximately ten months, divided into two semesters.

    The fall semester runs from mid-September to mid-December.

    The spring semester runs from mid-February to mid-June.

    Besides the inter-semester breaks, there are several official holidays during the semesters, notably Easter (the exact date varies every year).

    Exam sessions take place at the end of each semester.


    The Full-Time LLM program has a duration of two semesters.

    Classes take place Monday to Friday with an average class-time of four hours per day.


    The Part-Time has a flexible duration of two to four semesters. Each course takes place once a year. Students may choose to follow a lecture in their first year or the second year of their Part-Time LLM. If they wish, they can complete the Part-Time LLM in just one year.

    This program is specially designed for candidates who are full-time employees or wish- for different reasons - to have a flexible program.

    Classes take place Friday afternoon and Saturday.

    Common features

    All courses take place in English.

    To receive their degree, students must complete curriculum units to earn a minimum of 60 ECTS credits, including:

    • 50 ECTS credits for coursework;
    • 10 ECTS for the preparation of a master’s thesis or internship.

    Students may choose to start the LLM in Fall or Spring.

  • Tuition Fees

    Tuition Fees

    The full tuition fees amount to CHF 16,500.- and must be paid before graduation.

    Application Costs

    We do not require upfront payments for the treatment of application files. Successful candidates are required to pay an administrative fee of CHF 150.- and a registration fee of CHF 1500.-. Both fees are due 10 days after a successful application and are non-refundable. An invoice will be sent by email. These costs count toward the tuition fee.

    Payment Options

    When paying full price, a 10% discount is offered if fully paid before semester start.
    Where a scholarship is granted, a 5% discount is offered if fully paid before semester start.

    For more details, and if you have any question, please contact us directly.

  • Scholarships

    Excellence Scholarship Program

    Under the Excellence Scholarship Program, we provide scholarships, each worth CHF 8500 for outstanding candidates.

     Scholarships are available to LLM candidates. Their award and amount depend on the academic excellence evidenced notably by:

    • results in a bachelor's and masters' degree;
    • professional and academic achievements.

    Regional Scholarship Program

    The Regional Scholarship is available to applicants from developing countries, least developed countries, or countries in transition. The scholarship amounts to CHF 8250.-.

    Click here to download the list of countries qualifying for Regional Scholarship.

    Please note: The number of grants is limited, and the Regional Scholarship cannot be combined with the Excellence Scholarship.

    How to apply for a scholarship

    Scholarship applicants must first apply to a Fribourg Law LLM Program and select the scholarship option during the application process.



Click to open the request information form 


Click to open application form

  • Students about us
    Fatma Esra Güzeloglu (Turkey)
    "As an LLM student in International Contracts and Arbitration at Fribourg University, I had a priceless experience the program. Not only the courses are wide ranging and intriguing, but they are also taught by the best academics and practitioners in their field who are open to interaction and eager to teach. It should be noted that the program is highly practice oriented; with number of contract drafting assignments and moot court sessions, enabling students to apply theory into practice. Moreover, during the course of studies, there are plenty of internship opportunities within reputable international bodies or law firms.  For all these reasons, I feel confident, well-equipped and ready to embark upon a successful professional career."

    Andres Mejia (Colombia)

    "I would like to highlight three advantages/benefits that as a student of the program in International Contracts and Arbitration I  experienced. Firstly, I was trained by legal professionals, members of the most prestigious law firms in the world, with practical experience in multiple legal backgrounds and jurisdictions across the world. Secondly, I had the opportunity to expand my networking by meeting colleagues from different legal and cultural backgrounds (e.g. Russia, Indonesia, Iran, China, Turkey, South Africa, and many other nationalities). Finally, I received a steady support from the Law School staff in matters not only related to the academic program, but also in matters appertaining to the challenges that living in a foreign country entails"

    Theodoros Bougioukos (Grece)
    “Submitting in Contracts and Arbitration LLM program, proved to be the key for my professional future and assisted me a lot at my work as a legal consultant in Zurich.
    This program was my choice after careful search in order to boost up my legal studies and eventually it was more than that. The program is consisted by a unique structure of really interesting modules that provide a coherent and in depth knowledge of the international business interrelations in combination with contemporary legal challenges. The classes are held by Professors specialized and highly experienced in their field of profession, always willing to assist during the semesters and beyond them. As for the University life it was a wonderful experience, students from all over the world share their culture, and personalities and create a multinational pattern of legal experts. The location of the University is surrounded by a vivid environment found one of the most beautiful countries in Europe.
    The friends I made, the overall experiences we had together and the proficiency achieved will accompany me from now and on”