ConférencePublié le 25.11.2024

Gender in Forced Migration in Europe

As part of the lecture series “Europa im Gespräch”, Prof. Dr. Cristina María Zamora-Gómez, University of Alicante, will hold a conference on Gender in Forced Migration in Europe.

The gender perspective has a verifiable impact on the advancement of the rights of refugees and this highlights how the norms at different levels of analysis (universal international with the 1951 Geneva Convention, European regional with the Common European Asylum System and the regulation of asylum by the European Convention on Human Rights, and at the national level with a comparative approach) can and should accommodate the experiences of refuge traversed by gender-based violence. The ius-feminist analysis compels the acquis in International Refugee Law to protect people who are persecuted for gender-related reasons and/or whose form of persecution is through gender-based violence, in the case of refugee women: such as forced marriages, discrimination based on sexual orientation or cases of female genital mutilation.

Cristina María Zamora-Gómez has a PhD in International Public Law and International Relations from the University of Seville. She is currently Assistant Professor at the University of Alicante. Cristina has published several publications in the following lines of research: international protection, gender, asylum, migrant participation in institutions, access to justice. She has conducted several research stays in prestigious centers, including the Institute of European Law at the University of Fribourg. She is a member of the Swiss Network of Young Migration Scholars (SNyMS). Cristina has been awarded the Rosario Valpuesta Research Award in 2019 and the Research Award in Gender Equality by the University of Seville in 2020.

Date and location:
Thursday, 5 December 2024, 17.15-18.45
University of Fribourg, Miséricorde, Espace Güggi (MIS 08 0101), Rue de Rome 6