Institute of Law and Religion

Your contact for questions in the context of law and religion.


Ecclesiastical foundations pursuant to Art. 87 ZGB with a focus on surveillance law

In this paper the question of whether the internal supervision of church foundations requires reform or at least clear criteria in order to fulfil the requirements of modern governance is discussed.

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Fribourg: New cemetery rules

The Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG) takes the view that the new regulations for the St. Leonhard cemetery in Fribourg restrict the religious freedom of Jews.

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Referendum: New constitution of the Catholic Church of the canton of Graubünden

On 22 September 2024, the Roman Catholic voters of the canton of Graubünden approved the revision of their church statutes with over 90% of votes in favour.

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Future ban on headscarves in schools and nurseries?

Against the wishes of the Federal Council, the National Council has approved a motion by Aargau Councillor of States Marianne Binder (centre) calling for a ban on headscarves in schools and kindergartens.

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