Julia Straub
+41 26 300 7906
Ordentliche_r Professor_in,
Departement für Englisch
MIS 02 bu. 2233
Av. de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
Julia Straub joined the Department of English as Full Professor of Modern English Literature in August 2020, coming from the University of Bern, and having previously also taught at the Universities of Göttingen, York (UK), Basel, Zürich and Lausanne. Professor Straub's research and teaching cover the field of English Literature from around 1800 to the present day, with special interest in the connections between literature and media history, intermediality, cultural memory studies, canon formation and and contemporary literature.
Personal website: https://perso.unifr.ch/julia.straub/
In spring semester 2025, Prof. Straub is on research leave.