

Writing and publishing in academia

Spezialisiert / Akademisch Andere
27.09.2024 09:00 - 17:00

Description and objectives
In a university setting, academic writing is a necessary skill to master. Often, proof of this mastery is measured in the form of publishing in peer-reviewed journals. However, the publication process can be daunting for authors, new or experienced. Knowing more about the process can help writers better tailor their work to the specific journal sought and increase their chances of success in publishing.

After this workshop, participants will better understand:
• Who the players are in the publication process
• How to cite their work to avoid plagiarism, boost credibility, and support their arguments
• How to choose the right journal for their work
• How to adapt a paper that has been reviewed to increase their chances of publication
• What to include in cover and response letters to best communicate with reviewers and editors.

Although these topics are germane to many different scientific domains, this workshop will be aimed at publishing in the human and social sciences. APA norms will be referenced as examples for citation and avoiding language biases. By the end of the workshop, participants with all levels of writing and publishing experience should be able to confront the process more confidently in order to increase their chances of publication in peer-reviewed journals.

Presentation, discussion, and interaction in small and large groups will be offered to exchange experiences and tailor the workshop to the participants’ level(s) of experience with the publication process.

Wann? 27.09.2024 09:00 - 17:00
Av. François-Alphonse Forel 6, 1015 Lausanne 
Vortragende Dr. Sarah Stauffer
Psychologist FSP, Associate editior of the International Journal of Play Theory
Kontakt Service égalité, diversité et inclusion
Manuela Schicka


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