Philosophische Fakultät
Documents utiles (FR)
Nützliche Dokumente (DE)
Application form (only for candidates still registered at the University of Fribourg) (French & German)
Conditions for the success of doctoral supervision (booklet)
Declaration of honour (French/German)
Diploma (FAQ)
Evaluation form for the thesis project (French/German)
Exmatriculation (FAQ)
Graduation ceremony (FAQ)
PHD agreement (French/German)
Publication of PhD thesis (FAQ)
Publication of PhD thesis - Regulations of 1990 (procedure)
Publication of PhD thesis - Regulations of 2014 (procedure)
Project (evaluation form) (French/German)
Regulations of 1990 (French & German)
Regulations of 2014 (French & German)
Submission of PhD thesis (FAQ)
Submission of PhD thesis (procedure)