- Furrer O., Landry M., Baillod C., Yu Kerguignas J. (2024), A Research Agenda for Service Marketing, Elgar Research Agenda
- Furrer O., Davoine E. (2022) Les défis de l'internationalisation des entreprises. Vuibert-Recherche: Paris.
- Furrer O. (2016), Corporate Level Strategy: Theory and applications, Routledge, 2nd ed. London and New York (Disponible sur Rootledge) (Support pédagogique)
- Furrer O. (2010), Corporate Level Strategy: Theory and applications, Routledge, ed. London and New York
- Furrer O. (1999), Services autour des produits : enjeux et stratégies, Economica, ed. Paris
- Furrer O. (1997), Orientation-Client et Services autour des produits informatiques, Imprimerie de l'Evole SA, ed. Neuchâtel (PDF)
- Terpstra-Tong J., Ralston D.A., Furrer O., Karam C. et al. (2024) Attitudes of millennials towards corporate responsability: a 28-society multilevel analysis, Cross-Cultural & Strategic Management.
Terpstra‐Tong, J., Treviño, L.J, Cansu Yaman, A., Jintae Froese, F., Ralston, D.A., Bozionelos, N., Furrer, O., Tjemkes, B. et al. (2024) Gender composition at work and women's career satisfaction: An international study of 35 societies, Human Ressource Management Journal.
- Ralston, D.A., Russel, C.J., Terpstra-Tong, J., Treviño L.J., Ramburuth, P., Richards,, M., Furrer, O. et al. [full author details at the end of the article (2024) Are societal-level values still relevant measures in the twenty-first century businessworld? A 39-society analysis, Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
- Furrer, O., Landry, M. and Baillod, C. (2024), Managing customer-to-customer interactions: revisiting older models for a fresh perspective, Journal of Services Marketing
- Furrer O., Landry M., (2023), Well-being co-creation in service ecosystems: a systematic literature review, Journal of Services Marketing, Volume: 37 Issue: 10.
- Furrer O., Landry M., Baillod C., Yu Kerguignas J., (2023), The interplay between physical and social servicescape: investigating negative CCI, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 37 No. 6, pp. 732-745.
Ben Jemaa-Boubaya, K., Furrer, O., Hani, M., Dikmen, L., and Cheriet, F. (2022). The Imbrication of Internal and External Coopetition in Strategic Alliances. In Managing Interpartner Cooperation in Strategic Alliances (MICSA), T.K. Das (ed.), Edward Elgar, pp. 63-90.
- Beveridge, I., Furrer, O., & Gelb, Betsy L. (2022). A Consumer Cultural Paradox: Exploring the Tensions between Traditional and International Education, International Marketing Review, , Vol. 39 No. 4, pp. 811-835.
Furrer, O., Yu Kerguignas, J., & Landry, M. (2021). Customer captivity, negative word of mouth, and well-being: A mixed-methods study, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 35 No. 6, pp. 755-773.
Arifine, Ghizlane, Furrer, Olivier (2021), Multi-Brand Loyalty: Three Essays on the concept and its impact on loyalty strategies effectiveness: Focus on FMCG retail sector. (RERO-FOLIA)
Furrer, O., Ralston, D.A., Egri, C.P., Danis, W., Sinding, K., Gond, J.-P., Berg, N., Molteni, M., Ochinowski, T., Castro, F.B., Naoumova, I., , Furrer-Perrinjaquet, A., Dalgic, T., Alas, R., Siltaoja, M., Dabic, M. (2020). Corporate Responsibility Practices and Financial Performance in Europe: A Multilevel-Pressures Theory Perspective, European Journal of International Management, forthcoming.
Boninsegni, Melanie F., Furrer, Olivier, Mattila, Anna S. (2020), Dimensionality of Frontline Employee Friendliness in Service Encounters, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 32 No. 3, pp. 346-382.
Terpstra-Tong, J., Ralston, D. A., Treviño, L. J., Naoumova, I., de la Garza Carranza, M. T., Furrer, O., Li, Y., & Darder, F. L. (2020). The Quality of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX): A Multilevel Analysis of Individual-level, Organizational-level and Societal-level Antecedents, Journal of International Management, 26(3), 100760. (RERO-FOLIA)
Furrer, O., Yu Kerguignas, J., Delcourt, C. and Gremler, D.D. (2020). Twenty-seven years of service research: a literature review and research agenda, Journal of Services Marketing, 34(3), 299-316. (RERO-FOLIA)
Treviño L.J., Egri C.P., Ralston D.A., Naoumova I., Li Y., Darder F.L., de la Garza Carranza M.T., Furrer O., A Cross-Cultural Examination of Person-Organization Fit: Is P-O Fit Congruent with or Contingent on Societal Values?, Management International Review, (2020), (RERO-FOLIA)
Treviño, L. J., Egri, C. P., Ralston, D. A., Naoumova, I., Furrer, O., Li, Y., Darder, F. L., de la Garzia Carranza, M. T. (2019 in press). A multi-country, multi-sector replication challenge to the validity of the cultural tightness-looseness measure, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management.
Arifine, G., Reto Felix, & Olivier Furrer, Multi-Brand Loyalty in Consumer Markets: A Qualitatively-Driven Mixed Methods Approach, European Journal of Marketing, (Working Paper SES N. 501, I.2019 )
Furrer, O. (2018). La satisfaction des clients des services captifs. European Review of Service Economics and Management, (6), 51-75. (RERO-FOLIA)
Berg, N., Holtbrügge, D., Egri, C. P., Furrer, O., Sinding, K., & Dögl, C. (2018). Stakeholder pressures, CSR practices, and business outcomes in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. European Journal of International Management, 12(4), 472-500. (RERO-FOLIA)
Furrer, O., Sudharshan, D., Tsiotsou, R. H., & Liu, B. S. (2016). A framework for innovative service design. The Service Industries Journal, 36(9-10), 452-471.
Bücker, J., Furrer, O., & Peeters Weem, T. (2016). Robustness and cross-cultural equivalence of the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS). Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research, 4(3), 300-325. (RERO-FOLIA)
Bücker, J., Furrer, O., & Lin, Y. (2015). Measuring cultural intelligence (CQ) A new test of the CQ scale. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 15(3), 259-284.
Sudharshan, D., Furrer, O., & Arakoni, R. A. (2015). Robust imitation strategies. Managerial and Decision Economics, 36(3), 139-157. (RERO-FOLIA)
Gonzalez-Loureiro, M., Dabic, M., & Furrer, O. (2015). A content and comparative analysis of strategic management research in the Baltic area: A research agenda for qualitative studies. Baltic Journal of Management, 10(2), 243-266.
Christodoulides, G., de Chernatony, L., & Furrer, O. (2015). Moving away from short-term performance measurement online: a new metric of brand equity. In Proceedings of the 2007 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 300-304). Springer, Cham.
- Furrer, O., Tjemkes, B., Flikkema, M., & Pisic, G. (2014). Service compris... à certaines conditions. L'Expansion Management Review, (3), 43-50. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Dabic, M., González-Loureiro, M., & Furrer, O. (2014). Research on the strategy of multinational enterprises: key approaches and new avenues. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 17(2), 129-148. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Bücker, J. J., Furrer, O., Poutsma, E., & Buyens, D. (2014). The impact of cultural intelligence on communication effectiveness, job satisfaction and anxiety for Chinese host country managers working for foreign multinationals. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(14), 2068-2087. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Ralston, D. A., Egri, C. P., Furrer, O., Kuo, M. H., Li, Y., Wangenheim, F., ... & Fu, P. P. (2014). Societal-level versus individual-level predictions of ethical behavior: A 48-society study of collectivism and individualism. Journal of business ethics, 122(2), 283-306. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Furrer, O., Tjemkes, B., & Henseler, J. (2012). A model of response strategies in strategic alliances: A PLS analysis of a circumplex structure. Long Range Planning, 45(5-6), 424-450. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Furrer, O., Tjemkes, B. V., Ülgen Aydinlik, A., & Adolfs, K. (2012). Responding to adverse situations within exchange relationships: The cross-cultural validity of a circumplex model. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(6), 943-966. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Tjemkes, B. V., Furrer, O., Adolfs, K., & Aydinlik, A. Ü. (2012). Response strategies in an international strategic alliance experimental context: Cross-country differences. Journal of International Management, 18(1), 66-84. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Usunier, J. C., Furrer, O. F. G., & Furrer-Perrinjaquet, A. (2011). Le dilemme entre responsabilité économique et responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise: une étude comparative. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Usunier, J. C., Furrer, O., & Furrer-Perrinjaquet, A. (2011). The perceived trade-off between corporate social and economic responsibility: A cross-national study. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 11(3), 279-302. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Ralston, D. A., Egri, C. P., Reynaud, E., Srinivasan, N., Furrer, O., Brock, D., ... & Potocan, V. (2011). A twenty-first century assessment of values across the global workforce. Journal of business ethics, 104(1), 1-31. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Adolfs K., Tjemkes B.V., Furrer O. (2011) Alliantiemanagement: Een responsstrategie typologie, M&O: Tijdschrift voor Management en Organisatie, 65 (5), pp. 28-43.
- Bageac, D., Furrer, O., & Reynaud, E. (2011). Management students’ attitudes toward business ethics: A comparison between France and Romania. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(3), 391-406. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Tjemkes B.V., Furrer O. (2010) The Antecedents of Response Strategies in Strategic Alliances, Management Decision, 48 (7), pp. 1103-1133. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Furrer, O., Egri, C. P., Ralston, D. A., Danis, W. M., Reynaud, E., Naoumova, I., ... & Furrer-Perrinjaquet, A. (2010). Attitudes toward corporate responsibilities in Western Europe and in Central and East Europe. Management International Review, 50(3), 379-398. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Ralston, D. A., Egri, C. P., de la Garza Carranza, M. T., Ramburuth, P., Terpstra-Tong, J., Pekerti, A. A., ... & Wan, P. (2009). Ethical preferences for influencing superiors: A 41-society study. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(6), 1022-1045. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Vos, P., Furrer, O., & Egri, C. P. (2008). Managen van de prestaties op het gebied van MVO. M&O: Tijdschrift voor Management en Organisatie, 62(5), 23-36.
- Dacko, S. G., Liu, B. S., Sudharshan, D., & Furrer, O. (2008). Dynamic capabilities to match multiple product generations and market rhythm. European Journal of Innovation Management, 11(4), 441-471. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Furrer, O., Sudharshan, D., Thomas, H., & Tereza Alexandre, M. (2008). Resource configurations, generic strategies, and firm performance: exploring the parallels between resource-based and competitive strategy theories in a new industry. Journal of Strategy and Management, 1(1), 15-40. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Perrinjaquet, A., Vos, P., Furrer, O., & Egri, C. (2008). Gérer les responsabilités sociales des entreprises envers leurs parties prenantes. Revue économique et sociale, 33-50. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Furrer, O., Thomas, H., & Goussevskaia, A. (2008).The structure and evolution of the strategic management field: A content analysis of 26 years of strategic management research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 10(1), 1-23. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Perrinjaquet, A., Furrer, O., Usunier, J. C., Cestre, G., & Valette-Florence, P. (2007). A test of the quasi-circumplex structure of human values. Journal of Research in Personality, 41(4), 820-840. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Furrer, O., Alexandre, M. T., & Sudharshan, D. (2007). The impact of resource‐strategy correspondence on marketing performance—financial performance tradeoffs. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 15(2-3), 161-183. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Furrer, O., & Sollberger, P. (2007). The dynamics and evolution of the service marketing literature: 1993–2003. Service Business, 1(2), 93-117. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Perrinjaquet, A., & Furrer, O. (2007). Valorile individuale si responsabilitatile etice în corporatii. Revista Româna de Marketing, (2), 160-187.
- Furrer, O., Rajendran Pandian, J., & Thomas, H. (2007). Corporate strategy and shareholder value during decline and turnaround. Management Decision, 45(3), 372-392.
- Pandian, J. R., Thomas, H., Furrer, O., & Bogner, W. C. (2006). Performance differences across strategic groups: an examination of financial market‐based performance measures. Strategic Change, 15(7‐8), 373-383.
- Christodoulides, G., De Chernatony, L., Furrer, O., Shiu, E., & Abimbola, T. (2006). Conceptualising and measuring the equity of online brands. Journal of Marketing Management, 22(7-8), 799-825.
- Furrer, O. F. G., & Perrinjaquet, A. (2006). L'impact des valeurs personnelles des employés sur leurs attitudes d'orientation marché.
- Furrer, O., Krug, J. A., Sudharshan, D., & Thomas, H. (2004). Resource-based theory and its link to the global strategy, structure, and performance relationship: an integrative framework. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 5(2-3), 99-116.
- Singh, N., Furrer, O., & Ostinelli, M. (2004). To localize or to standardize on the web: empirical evidence from Italy, India, Netherlands, Spain, and Switzerland. Multinational Business Review, 12(1), 69-88.
- Furrer, O. F. G., Lantz, C., & Perrinjaquet, A. (2004). The impact of values on attitudes toward market orientation.
- Furrer, O. F. G., & Sudharshan, D. (2003). Couts d'opportunité liés a la maximisation de la performance en marketing.
- Tereza Alexandre, M., Furrer, O., & Sudharshan, D. (2003). A hierarchical framework of new products development: an example from biotechnology. European Journal of Innovation Management, 6(1), 48-63. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Liu, B. S. C., Furrer, O., & Sudharshan, D. (2001). The relationships between culture and behavioral intentions toward services. Journal of service research, 4(2), 118-129. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Furrer, O., & Sudharshan, D. (2001). Internet marketing research: opportunities and problems. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 4(3), 123-129.
- Furrer, O., & Sudharshan, D. (2001). Segmenter le marché européen des services. Revue française du marketing, 181, 81-96. (RERO-FOLIA)
- Furrer, O., Liu, B. S. C., & Sudharshan, D. (2000). The relationships between culture and service quality perceptions: Basis for cross-cultural market segmentation and resource allocation. Journal of service research, 2(4), 355-371.
- Furrer, O. (1998). Services autour de produits: l'offre des entreprises informatiques. Revue française du marketing, (166), 91-106.
- Furrer, O. (1997). Le rôle stratégique des services autour des produits. Revue française de gestion, (113), 98-108.
- Furrer, O. (1996). Construction de groupes stratégiques. Student.
- Bossard, H., Gramigna, M., Furrer, O., & Kostecki, M. (1995). Comment défendre l'image «made in Switzerland»: le cas des services. Die Unternehmung, 21-32.
- Brossard, H., Gramigna, M., Furrer, O., & Kostecki, M. (1994). L'image des «Services suisses»: Enjeux et propositions d'action. Die Unternehmung, 35-50.
Chapitres d'ouvrages
- Furrer O., Tjemkes B., Cross-cultural alliances, Elgaronline, 2024, Chapter 7.1, pp. 236-243
- Furrer O., Landry M., Baillod C., Yu Kerguignas J., A growth-share matrix of service marketing research themes, A Research Agenda for Service Marketing, Chapter 1, Elgar Research Agendas, 2024
- Furrer O., Yu Kerguignas J., Expansion and refoucusing: two alternative trajectories for service marketing research, Research Agenda for Service Marketing, Chapter 13, Elgar Research Agendas, 2024
- Furrer O., Cultural Differences and Services, Elgar Encyclopedia of Services, F. Gallouj (EIC), C. Gallouj, M.-C. Monnoyer, L. Rubalcaba, and M. Scheuer (eds.), Edward Elgar, 2023, pp. 556-559.
- Furrer O., Landry M., Baillod C., Tsiotsou R.H., and Liu B.S., User/consumer-based innovation in services”, Elgar Encyclopedia of Services, F. Gallouj (EIC), C. Gallouj, M.-C. Monnoyer, L. Rubalcaba, and M. Scheuer, (eds.), Edward Elgar, 2023, pp. 395-399.
- Furrer O. & Tjemkes B. V., Strategic Alliances of Service Firm, Elgar Encyclopedia of Services, F. Gallouj (EIC), C. Gallouj, M.-C. Monnoyer, L. Rubalcaba, and M. Scheuer (eds.), Edward Elgar, 2023, pp. 279-282.
- Ben Jemaa-Boubaya, K. Furrer, O., Hani, M., Dikmen, L., and Cheriet, F. (2022). “The Imbrication of Internal and External Coopetition in Strategic Alliances”. In Managing Interpartner Cooperation in Strategic Alliances (MICSA), T.K. Das (ed.), Edward Elgar, pp. 63-90.
- Siltaoja M., Egri C.P., Furrer O., Haapanen M., Alas R., Sinding K. (2020) Configurations of High Corporate Environmental Responsibility with Regard to Business Legitimacy: A Cross-National Approach. In: Rendtorff J. (eds) Handbook of Business Legitimacy. Springer, Cham.
- Tjemkes B., & Furrer O. (2017), Are Academics Leading or Lagging? An Exploration of Relevance Gaps in the Strategic Management Literature, in Partner(s) at Work: A Liber Amicorum for Eric Poutsma, R. Schouteten, J. Bücker & P. Peters (eds), Ipskamp Publishing, Nijmegen, 2017, Ch. 26, pp. 151-164
- Furrer O. & Tjemkes B. V. (2016), Behavioral Responses to Adverse Situations in Strategic Alliances, in Decision Making in Behavioral Strategy, T.K. Das (ed.), Research in Behavioral Strategy Book Series, Information Age Publishing, 2016, Ch. 6, pp.121-142.
- Furrer O., Tjemkes B. V., & Adolfs K. (2016), National Cultures and Response Strategies in Strategic Alliances: Cultural Universalism or Cultural Relativism?, in Governance Issues in Strategic Alliances, edited by T.K. Das, published by Information Age Publishing, 2016, Ch. 7, pp. 173-200.
- Furrer O. (2013) “Integrity and corporate governance controlling managers and meeting corporate social responsibilities”, Integrity in Organizations: Building the Foundations for Humanistic Management, A.Stachowicz-Stanusch & W. Amann, eds. Great Britain, CPI Antony Rowe, 481-797 (PDF).
- Furrer O. (2013) "Business Policy and Corporate Strategy", in Encyclopedia of Management Theory, E.H. Kessler, ed., SAGE Publications, Inc., Vol. 1, pp.94-98 (PDF).
- Furrer O., Tjemkes B., Vos P., Boymans C., Ubachs M. (2013) “A Circumplex Model of Interpartner Dynamics in Strategic Alliances”, in Interpartner Dynamics in Strategic Alliances, T.K. Das (ed.), Research in Strategic Alliance Book Series, Information Age Publishing, pp. 97-130. (PDF)
- Furrer O., Tjemkes B. (2011) "Behavioral Responses to Adverse Situations in Strategic Alliances", inBehavioral Perspectives on Strategic Alliances, T.K. Das (ed.), Research in Strategic Alliance Book Series, Information Age Publishing, pp. 227-249 (PDF). Furrer O., Furrer-Perrinjaquet A., (2010) "The Influence of Individual Values on Employees’ Attitudes Toward Market Orientation”, in Marketing: Orientations, Products, and Communications, F. Columbus (ed.), Nova Science, Hauppauge (NY).
- Furrer O. (2010) “A Customer Relationship Typology of Product Services Strategies”, in Handbook of Innovation and Services: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective, F. Gallouj and F. Djellal (eds.), Edward Elgar, 2010, pp. 701-721 (an earlier version of the paper has been presented at the Eleventh Annual AMA Frontiers in Services Conference, June 27-29, 2002, Maastricht, The Netherlands) (PDF).
- Furrer O., Tjemkes B. (2010) “De kloof tussen managementwetenschap en praktijk: een stakeholder perspectief”, in Strategie in verhouding: netwerken, stakeholders, samenwerken, B. Tjemkes, T. van den Hout, and I. Schrijver (eds.), Lemma, Den Haag, pp. 89-105.
- Furrer O. (2009) “Marketing Strategies”, in Marketing Management: International Perspectives, M.S. Raju and D. Xardel (eds.), 2nd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi (India), pp. 81-98 (PDF).
- Donia T., Huurneman M., Rottier R., van Sambeek M., Fikken A., Furrer O. (2009) “Embedding CSR in Organizations”, in Organizing Sustainability for the Future: The Case of Brazil, G. Kolenbrander and L. Lamberts (eds.), Synergy, Nijmegen, 2009, pp. 21-23.
- Donia T., Huurneman M., Rottier R., van Sambeek M., Fikken A., Furrer O. (2009) “Strategizing for the Future”, in Organizing Sustainability for the Future: The Case of Brazil, G. Kolenbrander and L. Lamberts (eds.), Synergy, Nijmegen, 2009, pp. 24-51.
- Furrer O. (2007) “Stratégies de services autour des produits”, in Marketing des services, Ph. Callot (éd.), Vuibert, Paris, pp. 13-26 (PDF).
- Joore S., van Moll R., Reitsma N., Rietbergen J., Tuinhof J., Furrer O. (2006) “Strategy”, in Entering Emerging Markets: Lessons from India, M. Franssen et al. (eds.), Synergy, Nijmegen, pp. 60-97.
- Furrer O., Shouteten R. (2006) “Conclusion: Critical Success Factors for Investing in India”, inEntering Emerging Markets: Lessons from India, M. Franssen et al. (eds.), Synergy, Nijmegen, pp. 231-237.
- Furrer O. (2006) “Marketing Strategies”, in Marketing Management: International Perspectives, M.S. Raju and D. Xardel (eds.), Vijay Nicole Publishing, Chennai (India), pp. 81-98 (PDF).
- Furrer O., Sudharshan D., Thomas H., (2001) “Organizational Structure in a Global Context: The Structure-Intangible Asset Portfolio Link”, in Valuation of Intangible Assets in Global Operations, F.J. Contractor (ed.), Quorum Books, Westport (CT), pp. 334-353 (an earlier version of this paper has been presented at the Rutgers Conference on the Valuation of Intangible Assets in Global Operations, Rutgers University, NJ, February 5th, 1999) (PDF).
- Furrer O. (1999) “Le rôle stratégique des « services autour des produits »”, in Marketing des Services: Stratégie, Outils, Management, C. Lovelock and D. Lapert, Publi Union, Paris, pp. 130-142 (reprint of the article published in Revue française de gestion).
Etudes de cas
- Furrer O., van Heeswijk L., Hoffer E. (2012), "Integrating Skype within Microsoft", in ecch (Nr. 312-226-1)
- Furrer O., Dekkers C. (2011), "Heineken in Congo: The Case of the Katangese Market", in ecch ecch (Nr. 311-157-1)
- Furrer O., Koostra R., Meijer T., "Nestlé: Divesting Perrier?", in Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalisation – Concepts and Cases by Volberda H.W., Morgan R.E., Reinmoeller P., Hitt M.A., Ireland R.D., Hoskisson R.E., South-Western Cengage Learning, Andover (UK), 2011, pp. 747-764
- Furrer O., Rooijmans F. (2011), "eBay and Skype: Diverging Futures", in ecch (Nr. 311-063-1)
- Furrer O., "The Skype Acquisition by eBay", in Corporate Level Strategy: Theories and Applications, Routledge, ed. Oxford and New York, 2011, pp. 65-67
- Furrer O., Koostra R., Meijer T. (2008), "Nestlé: Divesting Perrier?" in ecch (Nr. 308-009-1)
- Furrer O., Thomas H. "Decisions, Risk and Uncertainty and the Use of Game Theoretic Models: The Examples of Intel Polaroid vs Kodak and the Breakfast Cereals Industry", in Strategy: Analysis & Practice by McGee J., Thomas H., Wilson D., McGraw-Hill, London, 2005, pp. 559-564 (abstracted from the article published in European Management Journal)
Compte-rendus de livres
- Furrer O. (2005), "Service Quality: Research Perspective by Schneider B. and White S. (Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2004)", in International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 408-410
- Furrer O. (2004), "Winning at Service: Lessons from Service Leaders by Schmidt W., Adler G. and van Weering E. (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003)", in International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 515-518
- Furrer O. (2003), "Service Marketing Self-Portraits: Introspections, Reflections, and Glimpses from the Experts by Fisk R.P., Grove S.J., and Joby John, editors (Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association, 2000)", in International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 148-151.
- Furrer O. (2002), "Driving Customer Equity: How Customer Lifetime Value Is Reshaping Corporate Strategy by Rust R.T., Zeithaml V., and Lemon K.N. (New York: The Free Press, 2000)" in International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 107-111