Life Course Socioeconomic Position and Cognitive Aging in Later Life: A Scoping Review
Stefan Sieber, Mengling Cheng, Lore Van Herreweghe, Aswathikutty Gireesh, Kenneth F. Ferraro, Stéphane Cullati, Advances in Life Course Research (2025) | Artikel
Reserves and their role in protecting against anxiety and depressive symptoms among undocumented migrants undergoing regularization
Liala Consoli, Stéphane Cullati, Julien Fakhoury, Jan-Erik Refle, Yves Jackson, Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Scientific Reports (2025) | Artikel
Development of a patient-centred tool for use in total hip arthroplasty
Christophe Baréa, Anne Lübbeke, Raffaele Vitiello, Stéphane Cullati, Sophie Cole, Gianluca Fabiano, Alan Silman, Nils Gutacker, Thomas Agoritsas, Didier Hannouche, Rafael Pinedo-Villanueva, PLOS ONE (2024) | Artikel
Monitoring equity in the delivery of health services: a Delphi process to select healthcare equity indicators
Patrick Bodenmann, Clement P. Buclin, Moreno Doninelli, Laura Bertini, Stéphane Cullati, Arnaud Chiolero, Adriana Degiorgi, Armin Gemperli, Olivier Hugli, Anne Jachmann, Yves Jackson, Joachim Marti, Kevin Morisod, Katrina A. Obas, Florian Rüter, Judith Safford, Javier Sanchis-Zozaya, Delphine S. Courvoisier, Matthis Schick, Francesca Giuliani, Swiss Medical Weekly (2024) | Artikel
A tutorial on ordinary differential equations in behavioral science: What does physics teach us?
Denis Mongin, Adriana Uribe, Stephane Cullati, Delphine S. Courvoisier, Psychological Methods (2024) | Artikel
Surveillance bias in the assessment of the size of COVID-19 epidemic waves: a case study
A. Chiolero, S. Tancredi, S. Cullati, Public Health (2024) | Artikel
Educational inequalities in multimorbidity at older ages: a multi-generational population-based study
Arnaud Chiolero, Stéphane Cullati, Cornelia Wagner, Josephine Jackisch, Natalia Ortega, Stephane Cullati, Cristian Carmeli, European Journal of Public Health (2024) | Artikel
Validation of French versions of the 15-item picker patient experience questionnaire for adults, teenagers, and children inpatients
Stéphane Cullati, (2024) | Artikel
Long-term trajectories of densely reported depressive symptoms during an extended period of the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland: Social worries matter
Judith Fehr, Anna Katharina Noemie Frei, Marion Imboden, Stefano Tancredi, Nazihah Noor, Stéphane Cullati, Géraldine Michel, Lilia Maria Antonietta Crivelli, Mathias Kaufmann, (2024) | Artikel
COVID-19 Vaccination Rate under Different Political Incentive: A Counterfactual Trend Approach Using Nationwide Data
Clement P. Buclin, Denis Mongin, Stephane Cullati, Delphine S. Courvoisier, Vaccines (2023) | Artikel
Physical activity matters for everyone's health, but individuals with multimorbidity benefit more.
Cullati S, Layan Fessler, Maltagliati S, Sieber S, Elena Tessitore, Craviari C, Luthy C, Hanna E, Philippe Meyer, Orsholits D, Sarrazin P, Cheval B, Preventive medicine reports (2023) | Artikel
Intergenerational educational trajectories and inequalities in longevity: A population-based study of adults born before 1965 in 14 European countries
Cornelia Wagner, Stéphane Cullati, Stefan Sieber, Tim Huijts, Arnaud Chiolero, Cristian Carmeli, SSM - Population Health (2023) | Artikel
Factors Associated With COVID-19 Non-Vaccination in Switzerland: A Nationwide Study.
Sabatini S, Kaufmann M, Fadda M, Stefano Tancredi, Nazihah Noor, Bernadette W.A. van der Linden, Cullati S, Frank I, Michel G, Erika Harju, Luedi C, Frei A, Tala Ballouz, Menges D, Jan Fehr, Philipp Kohler, Kahlert CR, Scheu V, Natalia Ortega, Chocano-Bedoya P, Rodondi N, Silvia Stringhini, Baysson H, Elsa Lorthe, Zufferey MC, Suggs LS, Albanese E, Vincentini J, Bochud M, D'Acremont V, Nusslé SG, Imboden M, Keidel D, Witzig M, Probst-Hensch N, von Wyl V, International journal of public health (2023) | Artikel
Genetic insights into the causal relationship between physical activity and cognitive functioning
Boris Cheval, Liza Darrous, Karmel W. Choi, Yann C. Klimentidis, David A. Raichlen, Gene E. Alexander, Stéphane Cullati, Zoltán Kutalik, Matthieu P. Boisgontier, Scientific Reports (2023) | Artikel
Screening and Surveillance Bias in Cancer
Stefano Tancredi, Stéphane Cullati, Arnaud Chiolero, Epidemiologia (2023) | Artikel
Seroprevalence trends of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and associated risk factors: a population-based study.
Tancredi S, Chiolero A, Wagner C, Haller ML, Chocano-Bedoya P, Ortega N, Rodondi N, Kaufmann L, Lorthe E, Baysson H, Stringhini S, Michel G, Lüdi C, Harju E, Frank I, Imboden M, Witzig M, Keidel D, Probst-Hensch N, Amati R, Albanese E, Corna L, Crivelli L, Vincentini J, Gonseth Nusslé S, Bochud M, D'Acremont V, Kohler P, Christian R. Kahlert, Cusini A, Frei A, Puhan MA, Geigges M, Kaufmann M, Fehr J, Cullati S, Corona Immunitas Research Group, Infection (2023) | Artikel
Effect of covering perinatal health-care costs on neonatal outcomes in Switzerland: a quasi-experimental population-based study.
Epure AM, Courtin E, Wanner P, Chiolero A, Cullati S, Cristian Carmeli, The Lancet. Public health (2023) | Artikel
Childhood socioeconomic disadvantage and health in the second half of life: the role of gender and of welfare states in the life course of Europeans
, in Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life. Dynamics of Stressors, Resources, and Reserves
Stephane Cullati, Stefan Sieber, Bernadette WA Van der Linden, Dan Orsholits, Martina von Arx, Mathieu P Boisgontier, Boris Cheval (2023)
| Buchkapitel
When Illegitimate Tasks Threaten Patient Safety Culture: A Cross-Sectional Survey in a Tertiary Hospital
Stéphane Cullati, (2023) | Artikel
Effect of SARS-CoV-2 prior infection and mRNA vaccination on contagiousness and susceptibility to infection
Stéphane Cullati, (2023) | Artikel
Women carry the weight of deprivation on physical inactivity: Moderated mediation analyses in a European sample of adults over 50 Years of age
Silvio Maltagliati, Ilyes Saoudi, Philippe Sarrazin, Stéphane Cullati, Stefan Sieber, Aïna Chalabaev, Boris Cheval, SSM - Population Health (2022) | Artikel
Intergenerational educational trajectories and premature mortality from chronic diseases: A registry population-based study
Daniela Anker, Stéphane Cullati, Naja Hulvej Rod, Arnaud Chiolero, Cristian Carmeli, SSM - Population Health (2022) | Artikel
Linking widowhood and later-life depressive symptoms: Do childhood socioeconomic circumstances matter?
Claudia Recksiedler, Boris Cheval, Stefan Sieber, Dan Orsholits, Robert S. Stawski, Stéphane Cullati, Aging & Mental Health (2022) | Artikel
Estimating the magnitude of surveillance bias in COVID-19 : Stefano Tancredi
ncredi S and Cullati S and Chiolero A, opean journal of public health (2022) | Artikel
Residential trajectories across the life course and their association with cognitive functioning in later life.
sholits D and Cullati S and Cheval B and Ghisletta P and Oris M and Maurer J and Studer M and Marques A and Marconcin P and Gouveia ÉR and Kliegel M and Ihle A, ntific reports (2022) | Artikel
Physical activity partly mediates the association between cognitive function and depressive symptoms
Zsófia Csajbók, Stefan Sieber, Stéphane Cullati, Pavla Cermakova, Boris Cheval, Translational Psychiatry (2022) | Artikel
Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer in Patients with New-Onset Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Claudia Mellenthin, Vasile Daniel Balaban, Ana Dugic, Stephane Cullati, Cancers (2022) | Artikel
SARS-CoV-2 infection among employees working from home and on site: An occupational study in Switzerland
Alexia Schmid and Daniela Anker and Julie Dubois and Isabelle Bureau-Franz and Nathalie Piccardi and Sara Colombo Mottaz and Stéphane Cullati and Arnaud Chiolero and Pierre-Yves Rodondi, Frontiers in Public Health (2022) | Artikel
Physical inactivity amplifies the negative association between sleep quality and depressive symptoms.
Stephane Cullati, Preventive medicine (2022) | Artikel
Cervical cancer (over-)screening in Europe: Balancing organised and opportunistic programmes.
Stephane Cullati, Scandinavian journal of public health (2022) | Artikel
Life-course socioeconomic conditions, multimorbidity and polypharmacy in older adults: A retrospective cohort study.
Stephane Cullati, PloS one (2022) | Artikel
Financial Loss and Depressive Symptoms in University Students During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparison Between 23 Countries
Stefano Tancredi and Claudine Burton-Jeangros and René Ruegg and Elena Righi and Anna Kagstrom and Amelie Quesnel Vallee and Arnaud Chiolero and Piet Bracke and Veerle Buffel and Sarah Van De Velde and Stéphane Cullati, International Journal of Public Health (2022) | Artikel
[From evidence to quality improvement to provide high value and patient centered care].
iolero A and Cullati S and Tancredi S and Méan M and Rodondi N and Raileanu LE and Santschi V, e medicale suisse (2022) | Artikel
[Surveillance bias: when appearances are misleading].
ncredi S and Cullati S and Chiolero A, e medicale suisse (2022) | Artikel
Life course socioeconomic conditions and multimorbidity in old age – A scoping review
Cornelia Wagner and Cristian Carmeli and Arnaud Chiolero and Stéphane Cullati, Ageing Research Reviews (2022) | Artikel
Is living in a household with children associated with SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity in adults? Results from the Swiss national seroprevalence study Corona Immunitas.
ankenberger J and Kaufmann M and Albanese E and Amati R and Anker D and Camerini AL and Chocano-Bedoya P and Cullati S and Cusini A and Fehr J and Harju E and Kohler P and Kriemler S and Corona Immunitas Research Group, medicine (2022) | Artikel
Caesarean section and offspring obesity in young adulthood
Adina‐Mihaela Epure, Stéphane Cullati, Berenike Quecke, Yannick Graf, Valérie Santschi, Arnaud Chiolero, Cristian Carmeli, Obesity Reviews (2022) | Artikel
How to improve hospital admission screening for patients at risk of multidrug-resistant organism carriage: a before-and-after interventional study and cost-effectiveness analysis
Dominique Joubert and Stephane Cullati and Pascal Briot and Lorenzo Righi and Damien Grauser and Aimad Ourahmoune and Pierre Chopard, BMJ Open Quality (2022) | Artikel
Neighbourhood socio-economic vulnerability and access to COVID-19 healthcare during the first two waves of the pandemic in Geneva, Switzerland: A gender perspective
Denis Mongin and Stéphane Cullati and Michelle Kelly-Irving and Maevane Rosselet and Simon Regard and Delphine S. Courvoisier, eClinicalMedicine (2022) | Artikel
Gender Moderates the Mediating Pathway between Social Deprivation, Body Mass Index and Physical Activity
ltagliati S and Saoudi I and Sarrazin P and Cullati S and Sieber S and Chalabaev A and Cheval B, (2022) | Preprint
Covid-19: Surveillance systems for the new normal.
iolero A and Tancredi S and Cullati S, (Clinical research ed.) (2022) | Artikel
General and Vulnerable Population's Satisfaction With the Healthcare System in Urban and Rural Areas: Findings From the European Social Survey.
ghi L and Cullati S and Chopard P and Courvoisier DS, rnational journal of public health (2022) | Artikel
Caesarean section and obesity in young adult offspring: Update of a systematic review with meta‐analysis
Quecke and Yannick Graf and Adina-Mihaela Epure and Valérie Santschi and Arnaud Chiolero and Cristian Carmeli and Stéphane Cullati, views (2022) | Artikel
Lower social participation partly explains the association between perceived neighbourhood crime and depressive symptoms in European adults aged 50 years or older: A longitudinal mediation analysis
Gergo Baranyi and Stefan Sieber and Jamie Pearce and Stéphane Cullati and Chris Dibben and Boris Cheval, Preventive Medicine (2022) | Artikel
The Corona Immunitas Digital Follow-Up eCohort to Monitor Impacts of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in Switzerland: Study Protocol and First Results.
eierer A and Chocano-Bedoya PO and Anker D and Schmid A and Keidel D and Vermes T and Imboden M and Levati S and Franscella G and Corna L and Amati R and Harju E and Luedi C and von Wyl V, rnational journal of public health (2022) | Artikel
Revisiting the Effects of Organized Mammography Programs on Inequalities in Breast Screening Uptake: A Multilevel Analysis of Nationwide Data From 1997 to 2017.
lidon V and De Prez V and Bracke P and Bell A and Burton-Jeangros C and Cullati S, tiers in public health (2022) | Artikel
Early-Life Socioeconomic Circumstances and Physical Activity in Older Age: Women Pay the Price.
alabaev A and Sieber S and Sander D and Cullati S and Maltagliati S and Sarrazin P and Boisgontier MP and Cheval B, hological science (2022) | Artikel
How Welfare Regimes Moderate the Associations Between Cognitive Aging, Education, and Occupation
Dan Orsholits and Stéphane Cullati and Paolo Ghisletta and Marja J Aartsen and Michel Oris and Matthias Studer and Jürgen Maurer and Laura Perna and Élvio R Gouveia and Bruna R Gouveia and Adilson Marques and Miguel Peralta and Priscila Marconcin and Matthias Kliegel and Andreas Ihle, The Journals of Gerontology: Series B (2022) | Artikel
Better Subjective Sleep Quality Partly Explains the Association Between Self-Reported Physical Activity and Better Cognitive Function.
Stephane Cullati, Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD (2022) | Artikel
Association between physical-activity trajectories and cognitive decline in adults 50 years of age or older.
eval B and Csajbók Z and Formánek T and Sieber S and Boisgontier MP and Cullati S and Cermakova P, emiology and psychiatric sciences (2021) | Artikel
Social protection expenditure on health in later life in 20 European countries: Spending more to reduce health inequalities.
eber S and Orsholits D and Cheval B and Ihle A and Kelly-Irving M and Delpierre C and Burton-Jeangros C and Cullati S, al science & medicine (1982) (2021) | Artikel
Muscle strength is associated with COVID‐19 hospitalization in adults 50 years of age or older
Boris Cheval, Stefan Sieber, Silvio Maltagliati, Grégoire P. Millet, Tomáš Formánek, Aïna Chalabaev, Stéphane Cullati, Matthieu P. Boisgontier, Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle (2021) | Artikel
Health-related biological and non-biological consequences of forgoing healthcare for economic reasons.
trovic D and Marcus K and Sandoval J and Cullati S and Piumatti G and Bodenmann P and Jackson YL and Durosier Izart C and Wolff H and Guessous I and Stringhini S, entive medicine reports (2021) | Artikel
Cervical cancer screening programs and their context-dependent effect on inequalities in screening uptake: a dynamic interplay between public health policy and welfare state redistribution
Vincent De Prez and Vladimir Jolidon and Barbara Willems and Stéphane Cullati and Claudine Burton-Jeangros and Piet Bracke, International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) | Artikel
Cognitive-bias modification intervention to improve physical activity in patients following a rehabilitation programme: protocol for the randomised controlled IMPACT trial.
eval B and Finckh A and Maltagliati S and Fessler L and Cullati S and Sander D and Friese M and Wiers RW and Boisgontier MP and Courvoisier DS and Luthy C, open (2021) | Artikel
Muscle strength explains the protective effect of physical activity against COVID-19 hospitalization among adults aged 50 years and older.
ltagliati S and Sieber S and Sarrazin P and Cullati S and Chalabaev A and Millet GP and Boisgontier MP and Cheval B, nal of sports sciences (2021) | Artikel
Why Are Individuals With Diabetes Less Active? The Mediating Role of Physical, Emotional, and Cognitive Factors.
eval B and Maltagliati S and Sieber S and Beran D and Chalabaev A and Sander D and Cullati S and Boisgontier MP, ls of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (2021) | Artikel
Physicians’ Views and Agreement about Patient- and Context-Related Factors Influencing ICU Admission Decisions: A Prospective Study
Stéphane Cullati, Thomas V. Perneger, Fabienne Scherer, Mathieu Nendaz, Monica Escher, Journal of Clinical Medicine (2021) | Artikel
Physicians' perspective on potentially non-beneficial treatment when assessing patients with advanced disease for ICU admission: a qualitative study.
cher M and Nendaz MR and Cullati S and Hudelson P, open (2021) | Artikel
Association between physical-activity trajectories and cognitive decline in adults 50 years of age or older
Cheval and zsofia csajbok and Tomas Formanek and Stefan Sieber and Matthieu P. Boisgontier and Stephane Cullati and Pavla Cermakova
, Spring Harbor Laboratory
(2021) | Sonstiges
Overcoming spectrum bias for accurate SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence estimates.
han MA and Chiolero A and Fehr J and Cullati S and Corona Immunitas Research Group, (Clinical research ed.) (2021) | Artikel
Associations of emotional burden and coping strategies with sick leave among healthcare professionals: A longitudinal observational study
eval and Denis Mongin and Stéphane Cullati and Adriana Uribe and Jesper Pihl-Thingvad and Pierre Chopard and Delphine S. Courvoisier, nal Journal of Nursing Studies (2021) | Artikel
Muscle Strength Explains the Protective Effect of Physical Activity against COVID-19 Hospitalization among Adults aged 50 Years and Older
Maltagliati and Stefan Sieber and Philippe Sarrazin and Stephane Cullati and Aina Chalabaev and Gregoire P Millet and Matthieu P Boisgontier and Boris Cheval
, Spring Harbor Laboratory
(2021) | Sonstiges
[How to fight infodemic and health obscurantism].
iolero A and Paradis G and Santschi V and Cullati S, ue medicale suisse (2021) | Artikel
Primary healthcare for a long term and sustainable vaccination strategy.
iolero A and Cullati S and Santschi V, (Clinical research ed.) (2021) | Artikel
[Strengthening the culture of public health surveillance and population health monitoring].
iolero A and Buckeridge D and Cullati S, ue medicale suisse (2021) | Artikel
[How the life course perspective transforms epidemiology].
llati S and Carmeli C and Burton-Jeangros C and Chiolero A, ue medicale suisse (2021) | Artikel
Muscle strength is associated with COVID-19 hospitalization in adults 50 years of age or older
Cheval and Stefan Sieber and Silvio Maltagliati and Gregoire P Millet and Tomas Formanek and Aina Chalabaev and Stephane Cullati and Matthieu P Boisgontier
, Spring Harbor Laboratory
(2021) | Sonstiges
Corona Immunitas Fribourg : Immunité de la population, épisode 2
Stephane Cullati (Laboratoire de santé des populations (#PopHealthLab), Université de Fribourg: 2021)
| Buchkapitel
Corona Immunitas Nestlé: SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among employees
Julie Dubois, Stéphane Cullati, Pierre-Yves Rodondi, Daniela Anker, Alexia Schmid, Arnaud Chioléro (2021)
| Buchkapitel
Corona Immunitas Nestlé: SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among employees
Alexia Schmid, Stéphane Cullati, Arnaud Chioléro, Daniela Anker, Pierre-Yves Rodondi, Julie Dubois (2021)
| Buchkapitel
Corona Immunitas Nestlé: SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among employees
Stephane Cullati, Pierre-Yves Rodondi, Daniela Anker, Alexia Schmid, Julie Dubois, Arnaud Chiolero (2021)
| Buchkapitel
Corona Immunitas Nestlé: SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among employees
Stephane Cullati, Arnaud Chiolero, Daniela Anker, Pierre-Yves Rodondi, Julie Dubois, Alexia Schmid (2021)
| Buchkapitel
Physical activity and general cognitive functioning: A Mendelian Randomization study
Cheval and Liza Darrous and Karmel Choi and Yann Klimentidis and David Raichlen and Gene Alexander and Stephane Cullati and Zoltan Kutalik and Matthieu P Boisgontier
, Spring Harbor Laboratory
(2020) | Sonstiges
Physicians' predictions of long-term survival and functional outcomes do not influence the decision to admit patients with advanced disease to intensive care: A prospective study.
Palliative medicine (2020) | Artikel
Never and under cervical cancer screening in Switzerland and Belgium: trends and inequalities.
BMC public health (2020) | Artikel
Corona Immunitas: study protocol of a nationwide program of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and seroepidemiologic studies in Switzerland.
st EA and Anker D and Amati R and Richard A and Wisniak A and Butty A and Albanese E and Bochud M and Chiolero A and Crivelli L and Cullati S and d’Acremont V and Epure AM and Fehr J and Corona Immunitas Research Group, rnational journal of public health (2020) | Artikel
Does the single-item self-rated health measure the same thing across different wordings? Construct validity study
phane Cullati and Naike Bochatay and Clémentine Rossier and Idris Guessous and Claudine Burton-Jeangros and Delphine S. Courvoisier, Life Research (2020) | Artikel
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Depressive Symptoms, Functional Dependence, and Physical Activity: A Moderated Mediation Model.
Journal of physical activity & health (2020) | Artikel
Cancer Screening Participation and Gender Stratification in Europe.
Journal of health and social behavior (2020) | Artikel
Life-Course Circumstances and Frailty in Old Age Within Different European Welfare Regimes: A Longitudinal Study With SHARE.
The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences (2020) | Artikel
Life Course Socioeconomic Conditions and Frailty at Older Ages.
n der Linden BWA and Cheval B and Sieber S and Orsholits D and Guessous I and Stringhini S and Gabriel R and Aartsen M and Blane D and Courvoisier D and Burton-Jeangros C and Cullati S, journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences (2020) | Artikel
Dynamical System Modeling of Self-Regulated Systems Undergoing Multiple Excitations: First Order Differential Equation Approach.
Multivariate behavioral research (2020) | Artikel
Baranyi et al. Respond to "Depression and Welfare States".
ranyi G and Sieber S and Cullati S and Pearce JR and Dibben CJL and Courvoisier DS, ican journal of epidemiology (2020) | Artikel
Do Welfare Regimes Moderate Cumulative Dis/advantages Over the Life Course? Cross-National Evidence from Longitudinal SHARE Data.
The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences (2020) | Artikel
Relationship between decline in cognitive resources and physical activity.
Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association (2020) | Artikel
Cervical cancer (over)screening in Belgium and Switzerland: trends and social inequalities.
European journal of public health (2020) | Artikel
Intra versus interprofessional conflicts: implications for conflict management training
Bajwa and Naà ̄ke Bochatay and Virginie Muller-Juge and Stéphane Cullati and Katherine S. Blondon and Noëlle Junod Perron and Fabienne Matre and Pierre Chopard and Nu V. Vu and Sara Kim and Georges L. Savoldelli and Patricia Hudelson and Mathieu R. Nendaz, Interprofessional Care (2020) | Artikel
Back pain occurrence and treatment-seeking behavior among nurses: the role of work-related emotional burden.
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation (2020) | Artikel
Corona Immunitas Fribourg : Immunité de la population, épisode 1
Stephane Cullati (Laboratoire de santé des populations (#PopHealthLab), Université de Fribourg: 2020)
| Buchkapitel
The longitudinal relation between social reserve and smaller subsequent decline in executive functioning in old age is mediated via cognitive reserve.
International psychogeriatrics (2019) | Artikel
The relationship of obesity predicting decline in executive functioning is attenuated with greater leisure activities in old age.
Aging & mental health (2019) | Artikel
cksiedler C and Cheval B and Sieber S and Stawski R and Cullati S, ovation in aging (2019) | Artikel
The Longitudinal Association of Perceived Neighborhood Disorder and Lack of Social Cohesion With Depression Among Adults Aged 50 and Over: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis From 16 High-Income Countries.
American journal of epidemiology (2019) | Artikel
Cognitive Reserve Mediates the Relation between Openness to Experience and Smaller Decline in Executive Functioning.
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders (2019) | Artikel
Longer and healthier lives for all? Successes and failures of a universal consumer-driven healthcare system, Switzerland, 1990-2014.
International journal of public health (2019) | Artikel
Skin cancer screening in Switzerland: Cross-sectional trends (1997-2012) in socioeconomic inequalities.
Preventive medicine (2019) | Artikel
Exploring group boundaries and conflicts: a social identity theory perspective
Katherine S Blondon, Naike Bochatay, Nadia M Bajwa, Noëlle Junod Perron, Stéphane Cullati, Mathieu R Nendaz, Medical Education (2019) | Artikel
A longitudinal study of neighbourhood conditions and depression in ageing European adults: Do the associations vary by exposure to childhood stressors?
Preventive medicine (2019) | Artikel
Impact of legal status change on undocumented migrants' health and well-being (Parchemins): protocol of a 4-year, prospective, mixed-methods study.
BMJ open (2019) | Artikel
The role of adult socioeconomic and relational reserves regarding the effect of childhood misfortune on late-life depressive symptoms.
n Arx M and Cheval B and Sieber S and Orsholits D and Widmer E and Kliegel M and Guessous I and Kelly-Irving M and Courvoisier DS and Boisgontier MP and Cullati S, - population health (2019) | Artikel
Disadvantaged Early-Life Socioeconomic Circumstances Are Associated With Low Respiratory Function in Older Age.
eval B and Chabert C and Orsholits D and Sieber S and Guessous I and Blane D and Kliegel M and Janssens JP and Burton-Jeangros C and Pison C and Courvoisier DS and Boisgontier MP and Cullati S, journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences (2019) | Artikel
Cognitive resources moderate the adverse impact of poor perceived neighborhood conditions on self-reported physical activity of older adults.
Preventive medicine (2019) | Artikel
Associations of regrets and coping strategies with job satisfaction and turnover intention: international prospective cohort study of novice healthcare professionals.
Swiss medical weekly (2019) | Artikel
Early-life socioeconomic circumstances explain health differences in old age, but not their evolution over time.
Journal of epidemiology and community health (2019) | Artikel
Admission to intensive care: A qualitative study of triage and its determinants
Mathieu Nendaz, Monica Escher, Stéphane Cullati, Patricia Hudelson, Bara Ricou, Thomas Perneger, Pierre Dayer, Health Services Research (2019) | Artikel
When Team Conflicts Threaten Quality of Care: A Study of Health Care Professionals' Experiences and Perceptions.
llati S and Bochatay N and Maître F and Laroche T and Muller-Juge V and Blondon KS and Junod Perron N and Bajwa NM and Viet Vu N and Kim S and Savoldelli GL and Hudelson P and Nendaz MR, Clinic proceedings. Innovations, quality & outcomes (2019) | Artikel
Welfare regimes modify the association of disadvantaged adult-life socioeconomic circumstances with self-rated health in old age
Stefan Sieber and Boris Cheval and Dan Orsholits and Bernadette W Van der Linden and Idris Guessous and Rainer Gabriel and Matthias Kliegel and Marja J Aartsen and Matthieu P Boisgontier and Delphine Courvoisier and Claudine Burton-Jeangros and Stéphane Cullati, International Journal of Epidemiology (2019) | Artikel
Childhood socioeconomic circumstances and disability trajectories in older men and women: A European cohort study
Landös, A. and Von Arx, M. and Cheval, B. and Sieber, S. and Kliegel, M. and Gabriel, R. and Orsholits, D. and Van Der Linden, B.W.A. and Blane, D. and Boisgontier, M.P. and Courvoisier, D.S. and Guessous, I. and Burton-Jeangros, C. and Cullati, S., European Journal of Public Health (2019) | Artikel
Advantaged socioeconomic conditions in childhood are associated with higher cognitive functioning but stronger cognitive decline in older age
Aartsen, M.J. and Cheval, B. and Sieber, S. and Van der Linden, B.W. and Gabriel, R. and Courvoisier, D.S. and Guessous, I. and Burton-Jeangros, C. and Blane, D. and Ihle, A. and Kliegel, M. and Cullati, S., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2019) | Artikel
Association between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Muscle Strength in Older Age
Cheval, B. and Chabert, C. and Sieber, S. and Orsholits, D. and Cooper, R. and Guessous, I. and Blane, D. and Kliegel, M. and Courvoisier, D.S. and Kelly-Irving, M. and Boisgontier, M.P. and Cullati, S., Gerontology (2019) | Artikel
Cognitive Reserve Attenuates 6-Year Decline in Executive Functioning after Stroke.
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders (2019) | Artikel
Early-life socioeconomic circumstances explain health differences in old age, but not their evolution over ageing
Boris Cheval, Mathieu P Boisgontier, Stephane Cullati
(2019) | Sonstiges
Vulnérabilité et trajectoires de santé
Stéphane Cullati, (2019) | Artikel
Vulnérabilité et trajectoires de santé
Stephane Cullati, (2019) | Artikel
ICU physicians' and internists' survival predictions for patients evaluated for admission to the intensive care unit
Annals of Intensive Care (2018) | Artikel
Is the single self-rated health item reliable in India? A construct validity study
phane Cullati and Simantini Mukhopadhyay and Stefan Sieber and Achin Chakraborty and Claudine Burton-Jeangros, l Health (2018) | Artikel
n der Linden B and Cheval B and Sieber S and Kliegel M and Cullati S, ovation in aging (2018) | Artikel
Organised population-based programmes and change in socioeconomic inequalities in mammography screening: A 1992-2012 nationwide quasi-experimental study.
llati S and von Arx M and Courvoisier DS and Sandoval JL and Manor O and Burton-Jeangros C and Bouchardy C and Guessous I, entive medicine (2018) | Artikel
Internists' and intensivists' roles in intensive care admission decisions: a qualitative study.
llati S and Hudelson P and Ricou B and Nendaz M and Perneger TV and Escher M, health services research (2018) | Artikel
Too Imperfect to Fall Asleep: Perfectionism, Pre-sleep Counterfactual Processing, and Insomnia.
hmidt RE and Courvoisier DS and Cullati S and Kraehenmann R and der Linden MV, tiers in psychology (2018) | Artikel
Vulnerability in Health Trajectories: Life Course Perspectives
Swiss Journal of Sociology (2018) | Artikel
Reciprocal relations between care-related emotional burden and sleep problems in healthcare professionals: a multicentre international cohort study.
eval B and Mongin D and Cullati S and Winz C and von Arx M and Schmidt RE and Agoritsas T and Chopard P and Courvoisier DS, pational and environmental medicine (2018) | Artikel
Development of reserves over the life course and onset of vulnerability in later life
Stéphane Cullati and Matthias Kliegel and Eric Widmer, Nature Human Behaviour (2018) | Artikel
Is team‐based perception of safety in the operating room associated with self‐reported wrong‐site surgery? An exploratory cross‐sectional survey among physicians
Stéphane Cullati, Delphine S. Courvoisier, Patricia Francis, Adriana Degiorgi, Paula Bezzola, Marc-Joseph Licker, Pierre Chopard, Marc‐Joseph Licker, Health Science Reports (2018) | Artikel
"We Won't Retire Without Skeletons in the Closet": Healthcare-Related Regrets Among Physicians and Nurses in German-Speaking Swiss Hospitals.
n Arx M and Cullati S and Schmidt RE and Richner S and Kraehenmann R and Cheval B and Agoritsas T and Chopard P and Burton-Jeangros C and Courvoisier DS, itative health research (2018) | Artikel
Effect of childhood socioeconomic conditions on cancer onset in later life: an ambidirectional cohort study.
n der Linden BWA and Courvoisier DS and Cheval B and Sieber S and Bracke P and Guessous I and Burton-Jeangros C and Kliegel M and Cullati S, rnational journal of public health (2018) | Artikel
Association of early- and adult-life socioeconomic circumstances with muscle strength in older age.
eval B and Boisgontier MP and Orsholits D and Sieber S and Guessous I and Gabriel R and Stringhini S and Blane D and van der Linden BWA and Kliegel M and Burton-Jeangros C and Cullati S, and ageing (2018) | Artikel
Impact of CAre-related Regret Upon Sleep (ICARUS) cohort study: protocol of a 3-year multicentre, international, prospective cohort study of novice healthcare professionals.
eval B and Cullati S and Pihl-Thingvad J and Mongin D and Von Arx M and Chopard P and Courvoisier DS, open (2018) | Artikel
Effect of Early- and Adult-Life Socioeconomic Circumstances on Physical Inactivity.
eval B and Sieber S and Guessous I and Orsholits D and Courvoisier DS and Kliegel M and Stringhini S and Swinnen SP and Burton-Jeangros C and Cullati S and Boisgontier MP, cine and science in sports and exercise (2018) | Artikel
Public smoking ban and socioeconomic inequalities in smoking prevalence and cessation: a cross-sectional population-based study in Geneva, Switzerland (1995-2014).
ndoval JL and Leão T and Cullati S and Theler JM and Joost S and Humair JP and Gaspoz JM and Guessous I, cco control (2018) | Artikel
Early predictors of impaired sleep: a study on life course socioeconomic conditions and sleeping problems in older adults
van de Straat, V. and Cheval, B. and Schmidt, R.E. and Sieber, S. and Courvoisier, D. and Kliegel, M. and Burton-Jeangros, C. and Cullati, S. and Bracke, P., Aging and Mental Health (2018) | Artikel
ICU physicians’ and internists’ survival predictions for patients evaluated for admission to the intensive care unit
Escher, M. and Ricou, B. and Nendaz, M. and Scherer, F. and Cullati, S. and Hudelson, P. and Perneger, T., Annals of Intensive Care (2018) | Artikel
A Multilevel Analysis of Professional Conflicts in Health Care Teams: Insight for Future Training.
chatay N and Bajwa NM and Cullati S and Muller-Juge V and Blondon KS and Junod Perron N and Maître F and Chopard P and Vu NV and Kim S and Savoldelli GL and Hudelson P and Nendaz MR, emic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges (2017) | Artikel
Are role perceptions of residents and nurses translated into action?
chatay N and Muller-Juge V and Scherer F and Cottin G and Cullati S and Blondon KS and Hudelson P and Maître F and Vu NV and Savoldelli GL and Nendaz MR, medical education (2017) | Artikel
A concordance-based study to assess doctors' and nurses' mental models in Internal Medicine.
ondon KS and Chan KCG and Muller-Juge V and Cullati S and Hudelson P and Maître F and Vu NV and Savoldelli GL and Nendaz MR, one (2017) | Artikel
Introduction of an organised programme and social inequalities in mammography screening: A 22-year population-based study in Geneva, Switzerland.
ndoval JL and Theler JM and Cullati S and Bouchardy C and Manor O and Gaspoz JM and Guessous I, entive medicine (2017) | Artikel
n der Linden B and Cheval B and Sieber S and Guessous I and Kliegel M and Courvoisier D and Cullati S, ovation in aging (2017) | Artikel
Self-Rated Health and Sick Leave among Nurses and Physicians: The Role of Regret and Coping Strategies in Difficult Care-Related Situations.
llati S and Cheval B and Schmidt RE and Agoritsas T and Chopard P and Courvoisier DS, tiers in psychology (2017) | Artikel
Erratum to: Validation of the German version of two scales (RIS, RCS-HCP) for measuring regret associated with providing healthcare.
chner SC and Cullati S and Cheval B and Schmidt RE and Chopard P and Meier CA and Courvoisier DS, th and quality of life outcomes (2017) | Artikel
Validation of the German version of two scales (RIS, RCS-HCP) for measuring regret associated with providing healthcare.
Richner SC, Cullati S, Cheval B, Schmidt RE, Chopard P, Meier CA, Courvoisier DS, (2017) | Artikel
Cervical cancer screening in Switzerland: cross-sectional trends (1992-2012) in social inequalities.
Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S, Manor O, Courvoisier DS, Bouchardy C, Guessous I, (2017) | Artikel
Interprofessional collaborative reasoning by residents and nurses in internal medicine: Evidence from a simulation study.
ondon KS and Maître F and Muller-Juge V and Bochatay N and Cullati S and Hudelson P and Vu NV and Savoldelli GL and Nendaz MR, cal teacher (2017) | Artikel
Marital breakup in later adulthood and self-rated health: a cross-sectional survey in Switzerland.
Knöpfli B, Cullati S, Courvoisier DS, Burton-Jeangros C, Perrig-Chiello P, (2016) | Artikel
Prostate cancer screening in Switzerland: 20-year trends and socioeconomic disparities
Idris Guessous and Stéphane Cullati and Stacey A. Fedewa and Claudine Burton-Jeangros and Delphine S. Courvoisier and Orly Manor and Christine Bouchardy, Preventive Medicine (2016) | Artikel
Patient enrollment and logistical problems top the list of difficulties in clinical research: a cross-sectional survey.
Cullati S, Courvoisier DS, Gayet-Ageron A, Haller G, Irion O, Agoritsas T, Rudaz S, Perneger TV, (2016) | Artikel
Healthcare-Related Regret among Nurses and Physicians Is Associated with Self-Rated Insomnia Severity: A Cross-Sectional Study
Ralph E. Schmidt and Stephane Cullati and Elizabeth Mostofsky and Guy Haller and Thomas Agoritsas and Murray A. Mittleman and Thomas V. Perneger and Delphine S. Courvoisier, PLOS ONE (2015) | Artikel
Colorectal Cancer Screening in Switzerland: Cross-Sectional Trends (2007-2012) in Socioeconomic Disparities
Stacey A. Fedewa and Stéphane Cullati and Christine Bouchardy and Ida Welle and Claudine Burton-Jeangros and Orly Manor and Delphine S. Courvoisier and Idris Guessous, PLOS ONE (2015) | Artikel
Socioeconomic inequalities in health trajectories in Switzerland: are trajectories diverging as people age?
Stéphane Cullati, Sociol Health Illn (2015) | Artikel
A Life Course Perspective on Health Trajectories and Transitions
Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Stéphane Cullati, Amanda Sacker, David Blane, Hrsg. Claudine Burton-Jeangros and Stéphane Cullati and Amanda Sacker and David Blane (Springer International Publishing, 2015)
| Buch
Claudine Burton-Jeangros and Stéphane Cullati and Amanda Sacker and David Blane
, Springer Science + Business Media
(2015) | Sonstiges
Mental health trajectories and their embeddedness in work and family circumstances: a latent state-trait approach to life-course trajectories
Stéphane Cullati and Delphine S. Courvoisier and Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Sociol Health Illn (2014) | Artikel
The influence of work-family conflict trajectories on self-rated health trajectories in Switzerland: A life course approach
Stéphane Cullati, Social Science & Medicine (2014) | Artikel
Implementation of the Surgical Safety Checklist in Switzerland and Perceptions of Its Benefits: Cross-Sectional Survey
Stéphane Cullati and Marc-Joseph Licker and Patricia Francis and Adriana Degiorgi and Paula Bezzola and Delphine S. Courvoisier and Pierre Chopard, PLoS ONE (2014) | Artikel
Interprofessional Collaboration between Residents and Nurses in General Internal Medicine: A Qualitative Study on Behaviours Enhancing Teamwork Quality
Virginie Muller-Juge and Stéphane Cullati and Katherine S. Blondon and Patricia Hudelson and Fabienne Matre and Nu V. Vu and Georges L. Savoldelli and Mathieu R. Nendaz, PLoS ONE (2014) | Artikel
Factors of change and cumulative factors in self-rated health trajectories: A systematic review
Stéphane Cullati and Emmanuel Rousseaux and Alexis Gabadinho and Delphine S. Courvoisier and Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Advances in Life Course Research (2014) | Artikel
Impact of a faculty development programme for teaching communication skills on participants’ practice
Noelle Junod Perron and Stephane Cullati and Patricia Hudelson and Mathieu Nendaz and Diana Dolmans and Cees van der Vleuten, Postgraduate Medical Journal (2014) | Artikel
Effect of numbering of return envelopes on participation, explicit refusals, and bias: experiment and meta-analysis
Thomas V Perneger and Stéphane Cullati and Sandrine Rudaz and Thomas Agoritsas and Ralph E Schmidt and Christophe Combescure and Delphine S Courvoisier, BMC Med Res Methodol (2014) | Artikel
Validation of a 15-item Care-related Regret Coping Scale for Health-care Professionals (RCS-HCP)
Delphine Sophie Courvoisier and Stephane Cullati and Rieko Ouchi and Ralph Eric Schmidt and Guy Haller and Pierre Chopard and Thomas Agoritsas and Thomas V. Perneger, Journal of Occupational Health (2014) | Artikel
Is the Surgical Safety Checklist successfully conducted? An observational study of social interactions in the operating rooms of a tertiary hospital
Stephane Cullati, BMJ Quality & Safety (2013) | Artikel
Self-rated health: analysis of distances and transitions between response options
Thomas V. Perneger and Angèle Gayet-Ageron and Delphine S. Courvoisier and Thomas Agoritsas and Stéphane Cullati, Qual Life Res (2013) | Artikel
Validation of a 10-item Care-related Regret Intensity Scale (RIS-10) for Health Care Professionals
Stephane Cullati, Medical Care (2013) | Artikel
Interprofessional Collaboration on an Internal Medicine Ward: Role Perceptions and Expectations among Nurses and Residents
Stephane Cullati, PLoS ONE (2013) | Artikel
Does information about risks and benefits improve the decision-making process in cancer screening – Randomized study
Stephane Cullati, Cancer Epidemiology (2011) | Artikel
Regrets Associated with Providing Healthcare: Qualitative Study of Experiences of Hospital-Based Physicians and Nurses
Stephane Cullati, PLoS ONE (2011) | Artikel
Desire for autonomy in health care decisions: A general population survey
Stephane Cullati, Patient Education and Counseling (2011) | Artikel
Growing discontent of Swiss doctors, 1998-2007
The European Journal of Public Health (2011) | Artikel
Impact of information about risks and benefits of cancer screening on intended participation
Stephane Cullati, European Journal of Cancer (2010) | Artikel
Cancer screening in a middle-aged general population: factors associated with practices and attitudes
Stephane Cullati, BMC public health (2009) | Artikel
La Marge Dans la Démarche Scientifique: Vigilance et Imagination
Stéphane Cullati,
SSRN Journal: Social Science Electronic Publishing
(20.4.2004) | Konferenz