Antoine Garnier

Forschung und Publikationen

  • Liste de publications
    78 Publikationen

    Reply to Palumbo et al. Comment on “Flatscher et al. Impact of Mediterranean Diet on Lipid Composition in the Colaus-PsyColaus Study. Nutrients 2023, 15, 4659”
    Vanessa Kraege, Mélisande Flatscher, Antoine Garnier, Pedro Marques-Vidal, Nutrients (2024) | Artikel

    Prevalence and Determinants of Shifted ST-segment and T-wave in aVR: A Population-Based Study
    Demierre L and Kraege V and Vaucher J and Marques-Vidal P and Garnier A, SSGIM meeting 2024: (2024) | Konferenz