Teaching platform for histology

Histology teaching is part of various study programmes. The type of teaching differs depending on the field of study in terms of scope and methods.

  • Histology lessons for medical students

    During the first year of medical school, the various tissue types (epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, etc.), the blood and the genital systems of both sexes are covered.

    In the second year, students delve into the various systems of the human organism, such as the nervous system, the lymphatic system, the appendage glands, the urinary apparatus or the organs of sight.

  • Histology practical course for medical students

    In the practical course, all students receive a box filled with a small collection of glass slides. The slides are equipped with various specimens, which are stained according to the topic in order to visualise the structure at the cellular level.

    In the practical room, each student can use an optical microscope to study the samples in detail. The practical course serves to deepen theoretical content and to contextualise it.

  • Courses and practicals of histology for students in biomedicine

    Histology classes in the biomedicine degree programme are largely identical to those in medicine.

  • Online resources

    As an additional didactic and pedagogical tool, the University of Fribourg maintains the web portal for virtual microscopy. This allows interactive access to the entire collection of annotated sections via the internet and is thus a flexible tool to further deepen the course and practical contents.

    Web application
