Gregor Hasler
Medicine Section
RFSM bu. E208
Ch. du Cardinal-Journet 3
1752 Villars-sur-GlâneRFSM, E208
Stress, depression, eating disorders, resiliency, gut-brain connection, psychopharmacology
Link to Dr. Hasler's research group
Mobile: +41 79 541 98 49
Research and publications
- Books
- CV
Gregor Hasler, M.D. was born in Basel, Switzerland. He studied medicine at the University of Zurich and did his psychiatric residency in Paris, London, Lausanne and Zurich. He received his medical degree in 1995. He was trained in psychiatric epidemiology by Jules Angst, M.D. From 2003 to 2006 he was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program at the National Institute of Mental Health (supervisors: Wayne C. Drevets, Dennis S. Charney, Dennis L. Murphy). He conducted a series of studies on biomarkers in mood, anxiety and eating disorders, and smoking (GABA, glutamate systems, catecholamines). Currently, Dr. Hasler is Professor and Chair of Psychiatry at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). He has a broad clinical and scientific experience in psychiatric pharmacotherapy.
- Publication list (ORCID)
Loading Orcid 0000-0002-8311-0138
- Publication list on pubmed