
In medicine, a distinction is made between the titles Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Science in Medical Sciences. The former is generally held by medical doctors and is usually acquired during clinical training (residency). The latter is acquired through exclusively scientific work in basic research in the natural sciences.

Medical Sciences

Students with a Master degree can apply for a doctoral position in the Section of Medicine.

The University of Fribourg provides access to doctoral schools in various biomedical domains. These aim to provide future scientists with important skills and a good network in one of the following subfields:

The doctoral schools are optional, but it is recommended that all students enrol in one of the above-mentioned programmes.

Title awarded
Scientiarum doctor in scientiis medicinae

Study language
German, French and English

Programme structure
6-8 semesters (full-time)

Start of programme
Applications can be submitted at any time. Enrolment/Regulations

Additional information
Study programmesResearch groupsOpen positions


Since 2019, the Faculty has been able to award the academic degree of Doctor of Medicine. This degree certifies the ability to conduct high-quality scientific research based on independent original work.

A Master degree in medicine and a federal medical diploma are prerequisites for admission to a doctorate in medicine.

Title awarded
Doctor in medicina

Study language
German, French and English

Programme structure
approx. 1 year (full-time)

Start of programme
Applications can be submitted at any time. Enrolment/Regulations

Additional information
Study programmesFederal Examination